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ACNH feels empty after credits


Senior Member
Apr 20, 2020
So last night I restarted my game because I was unhappy with what I did with terraforming, and because it's so tedious to fix everything square by square I decided to start over. I'm on day 2 of the tutorial and I'm starting to see differences in the feel of how things were in the beginning to now. When I first started the game, I played it day by day and never time traveled. But when I unlocked Isabelle and town hall I thought I would be done with the game and unlock the island designer app but found out you had to get a 3 star rating. I tried for days to get a good rating and I just got fed up with it so I time traveled and finally unlocked everything.

I think the hype of the game on social media made many people feel like they had to rush and the game felt like a competition of "look at me!" and people showing off their amazing islands in such a short amount of time. It's gotten to the point that many people are tearing themselves down and comparing their island to others or stressing to have the perfect island to show it off to the internet for likes.

Anyway to the main point of the topic, I miss the slower pace of the tutorial. Even though that gentle guitar song got on my nerves hearing it everyday for two weeks, it was definitely really soft and ambient unlike the music we have now. Its too high energy and I dont feel relaxed listening to the music. I liked that the game had a storyline like, collect creatures to get blathers to come to the island, collect stuff to build the shop, get miles to pay off your house, make DIY recipies, because it felt like you were working towards something. We also saw Timmy/Tommy walking around and got to interact with them and it just made the characters feel more alive when you saw them walking. I wish they had something like that with the store being closed and timmy/tommy, nook, isabelle walk around and you get to know them better. (I literally never talk to Isabelle at all, she feels pointless. I don't report residents and I've only changed my flag and tune once)

Once I finally got K.K. Slider to come and unlock everything my island life feels boring. I feel like they gave us too much freedom. If I was working on my island I wouldn't really talk to the residents, and also talking to characters of the same personality was annoying because they said the same things. When it was just my two island friends in the beginning I felt like I could get a closer bond with them rather than having to keep track of 10 people on an island. With the hype online and the fandom I just felt like a crazy person because all I did was time travel to get my popular villagers to move out so I can get nook tickets to find raymond or any other dreamie i had. The game just feels empty to me now because it feels like a design simulator rather than a social thing. It feels like the main point of the animal crossing series was to interact with your villagers and become close friends with them but with ACNH, I barely talk to my villagers.

With my point on how they gave us too much freedom, I feel like everyone is in a competition with the other for most amazing island to show off. If we at least had some of the things the same as other players with the option to change around things to our liking I feel it wouldn't be so competitive. And I wish there was at least a little bit of story like how it was in the beginning, because I really feel no desire to talk to my villagers if they just say the same things.

I know that this was all over the place but im really bad at putting my thoughts into words. >.< hopefully people understood what Im saying.
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Nah. Literally did nothing for a week lmao. and yes... lack of hourly music was meh (if it were first game's beginning music, I wouldn't mind as much)
no i totally feel you...I haven't been doing much of anything because ive been so busy with my island and now that im mainly done i m like...what is there to do?? lol
No I totally get how you feel...I followed so many ACNH accounts on instagram for inspiration/motivation to terraform my island (and it did help) but at the same time I started feeling pressured to make my island look just as good. The game feels the most fun when I'm playing it with my friends locally. Other times it just feels like a chore.
Honestly, I don't think the game has really changed too much since the first KK concert. But maybe it's because I haven't TTed and because I really don't care what people are doing with their islands. I would like to get Raymond, sure, but it doesn't break my fun to not have him. I'm convinced I'll find him in the campsite or on an island eventually. I would like my island to be pretty, but I've barely touched the terraforming tool. I'm slowly letting my plans form in my mind.

So if you miss how the game played at the beginning and find the game less fun post-KK concert, I would suggest trying to not TT and just playing at your own pace, ignoring what others are doing.
I was pretty good about avoiding all photos and videos about this game before it released. Pretty much everything after the initial trailer reveal, I simply ignored. I knew that I wanted to experience the game for myself, at my own pace. So...when the game actually released, I did exactly that; I played it just as it came. I didn't really pay attention to what other people were doing online.

After a while, I started checking out youtube and seeing all these crazy creations. While that was definitely overwhelming, it also inspired me. I never had the desire to just "clone" what other people did...so, seeing the things that were possible only served to push me towards exploring my own ideas.

In the end...I might be really far behind other players who have time-traveled, and gone out of their ways to unlock all the cool things. But, every day brings small accomplishments and new discoveries. And that genuinely make me happy. That's all I ever find myself wanting out of an Animal Crossing game. Even if I play for an entire day and a single new item is all I have to show for it...that's still a new item. I would never want a full catalog and a full museum after a month of playing the game. That would ruin the whole point for me. I would never want my town to feel "complete" after a month either. I like the slow addition of improvements. Again...changing one little part of my island (no matter how small) feels great to me. I like to chip away at it.
I feel ALL OF THIS. You're not alone. I'd just posted in some other thread about how I feel dialogue with the villagers was super lacking; This game really feels more about design-design-design than about socializing in your village with your little animal friends. It makes me sad. Like, I remember utilizing New Leaf to help me cope with my depression because the villagers made me feel better because the dialogue was so fun and diverse. But now its like.. Three different lines of dialogue from everyone.

And that feeling of competition can uncomfortable. It's never overtly stated by anyone, but I think it's there. And I don't think anyone is trying to be competitive, it's just that everyone is trying to keep up with one another if that makes sense? Oh crap, it's like a parallel to real life: I have to keep up with my neighbors, I've gotta have the good things my neighbors have got (neighbors being the metaphor for other players). I CAN'T LET THEM KNOW I'M STRESSING OUT ON THE INSIDE; I'VE GOTTA KEEP UP WITH APPEARANCES.

I admire anyone who remains completely unbothered by the social media posts of those far-advanced, ultra-creative islands. It doesn't keep me up at night or make me scour forums for all hours of the day for items/DIY/villagers, but it does sometimes make me doubt my own creativity.
When kk came and they scrolled the credits that was the most disappointing thing this game sucks
..... I really regret buying it
I was pretty good about avoiding all photos and videos about this game before it released. Pretty much everything after the initial trailer reveal, I simply ignored. I knew that I wanted to experience the game for myself, at my own pace. So...when the game actually released, I did exactly that; I played it just as it came. I didn't really pay attention to what other people were doing online.

After a while, I started checking out youtube and seeing all these crazy creations. While that was definitely overwhelming, it also inspired me. I never had the desire to just "clone" what other people did...so, seeing the things that were possible only served to push me towards exploring my own ideas.

In the end...I might be really far behind other players who have time-traveled, and gone out of their ways to unlock all the cool things. But, every day brings small accomplishments and new discoveries. And that genuinely make me happy. That's all I ever find myself wanting out of an Animal Crossing game. Even if I play for an entire day and a single new item is all I have to show for it...that's still a new item. I would never want a full catalog and a full museum after a month of playing the game. That would ruin the whole point for me. I would never want my town to feel "complete" after a month either. I like the slow addition of improvements. Again...changing one little part of my island (no matter how small) feels great to me. I like to chip away at it.
Yeah I don't understand the people that are showing off about completing their whole museum early and collecting all the creatures and stuff, like why would you want to finish a game thats supposed to be for years in only a few days?
I think it's less about the game and more about social media and how it can really **** with our nerves!

I like looking at other people's works to get inspired and also encouraged to keep working on my island, but if i do it too much I start to feel stressed out and discouraged... It's good on Instagram because my feed kind of alternate between funny videos / memes and amazing designs - perfect balance!

If you find yourself feeling negatively because of all the pressure, turn to memes / funny video compilations or just cut off browsing AC content on social media for a while! Helping newer starters also really helps - I did a flower giveaway a while back as I had a lot of extra, and it made me really happy! It was a healthy break from some crazy terraforming that I set out to do and was stressing myself out...
While I see a lot of really pretty towns in comparison to mine, I don't really care. The joy I get from the game is not from creating the best most beautiful town ever but rather from creating something that is personal and beautiful to me. Creating something that slowly grows over time. That is the appeal of the game for me. I am not competing with everyone. This is a personal journey :) I enjoyed the slowness in the beginning, and now I enjoy the chaos of having my mess everywhere, ugly experimentation of landscaping, moving buildings only to change my mind and figure out better ideas.. it's all so wonderful ^_^ honestly.. the one thing that could make the experience much better for me is to to increase storage by like.. triple XD. Because the only thing stressing me out is not being able to keep all the clothes in my closet and having to be so selective. Other than that, my progression is personal to me and just because other people have things I don't have or more developed islands, doesn't mean that I like my own island any less ^_^

Try not to compare. This is not a race. Theirs might be beautiful now and maybe you have a longer way to go, but when you do get there you'll realize that the journey that got you there is what matters most! :D
I don't miss the slower pace, because I have never played in a slow pace; I don't TT but the first days were very hetic, getting resources, trying to get all the achievments, nook miles +, doing DIYs, catching all the bugs and fishes available, catching cherry blossoms, trying to get all sakura recipes, eGgS, but now it died down. I do miss my simple island. I put down houses and shops wherever and then tried to make it work, and it had such a simple, humble and messy look I kind of miss. Changing everything later was a lot of fun and I don't regret, but looking at my old pics I already feel nostalgic.
I miss the beginning song, not that I really loved it, but more of a nostalgic feeling. I visited another player last week who was still at the beginning of the game, and it was unexpected when I heard it and it hit deep.

TBH though, the song is better than some ones we got now, like 2pm

The pace is more or less the same. We just got improvements to the town and all. Not having Able Sisters was hard, and the RS tent wasn't very appealing, with it being on a giant square dirt patch and all. When I first got Town Hall built, seeing the dirt had been replaced by brick made me feel real good about my town
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Haven't the credits always been tied to a KK performance? :unsure: 😅

It could be their first Animal Crossing game. Im sure some GameCube players got confused too back in the day.
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When kk came and they scrolled the credits that was the most disappointing thing this game sucks
..... I really regret buying it

Why is that disappointing? Did you assume it meant the game was over? I've played all the AC games, and they've always had credits for K.K
Slider. Doesn't mean the game is over. Just means they are trying to fit them into the game so they can pay respect to the people who helped make the game possible.
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While i do understand what you are saying... I do not feel that way at all. I never really compare my island to other people's islands all that much. I do not really use any popular social medias (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Tumblr, etc...) and I watch very few YouTube videos on Animal Crossing: New Horizons, and I guess I am seeing far less "islands" that are well designed because of that. But I never feel like I want to reset. The more I work on my island, the more accomplished I feel. I never feel empty with it, and sure... I do miss the starting days a bit... I do love what my island is starting to look like.

I do look back at the screenshots I have taken of the early days, and I do feel nostalgic... heck today one of my starting villagers moved out (their house is still here, but they have moved out... tomorrow their house will be just a empty plot,) and I will always feel nostalgic whenever I look at any screenshots or video clips I have of them, but that doesn't mean I want to reset everything.

I don't feel this sense of competition like a lot of other people have felt, and I suppose that is because I am less likely to see other people's islands, since I only use YouTube and Mastodon in regards to social media. (And yes there are a hell of a lot of Animal Crossing players on Mastodon, but it isn't as intrusive).

Just like a lot of other people have said already... I do think the best cure for what you were feeling was to play the game at your own pace, and to try not to compare your island to the islands of other people. Also to not time travel (I am not putting down time travelers as a whole, but I do think it quickly ruins the fun of the game). So just don't time travel this time around, and only look at other islands for inspiration, but don't compare your island to other people's. Just remember at the end of the day... your island is yours, and it is beautiful no matter what.
Honestly I feel like the beginning was more hectic than what it is now. Running around the island trying to find materials and craft items for the villager houses. but now I've gotten past the KK scene its more slow paced for me, thinking about how I want to modify the island and where to put houses and earning money for all the inclines/bridges/house payments I just slowly chip away until I get to a place I'm happy with.
A lot of people have some really beautiful towns. I like watching the tours of 5-star towns on Youtube because it sometimes gives me ideas that I'd like to put into my own town. But one thing I've noticed is how absolutely cluttered and filled to the BRIM these towns are with STUFF. Tons of terraforming too. Man, I need room to run around my island... I like having open space that has just trees or natural looking DIYs like the different type of rock formations.

I think my island is dandy, and I got it to 5-stars without filling it to the brim with... stuff. I bet some people wouldn't believe that my island is at 5-stars because I've kept my landscape as natural as I possibly could. I'm still not done, I wanna find different wants to incorporate the lovely shrubs into my island.

Sometimes, I open my AC save and I just... walk around the island looking at my flowers or the little vistas I made. Or I watch my villagers running around doing silly stuff. I'll go into my house and change my clothes around and run out to the beach and just watch the sky. Or I'll sit outside my house on my swinging bench listening to Forest Life.

My point being is that it's only a competition if YOU make it a competition. :)