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2017 Reflections Thread


grab acorns 'til you're delirious
Aug 3, 2015
Pink Balloon
Green Balloon
Pink Balloon
Green Balloon
Pink Balloon
Space Whale Plush
Splat Easter Egg
Green Fair Pinwheel
Flower Glow Wand
2017 is coming to a close and soon it will be a near year. How have the past 12 months gone for you? Did anything significant happen in the last year that you feel like sharing?

I was inspired to make this thread when I found this old post of mine in a thread (about what motivates you) from a year ago:

VanessaMay18 said:
Almost everything I do I do for my best friend.
I want to make her happy and make her life better.

This post made me realize what a crazy year it has been for me. Earlier in 2017, the person I wrote about in this post began to say a lot of hurtful things to me, and it took a long while but I finally realized it was an abusive relationship and was able to distance myself from her. Now I feel much happier and I feel like myself again, as my life is no longer centered around someone who doesn't really care about me. This year I also began to be more active on this site and made some friends here which has been tons of fun and made me much less lonely. I also got my first two jobs this year! So there have been definitely been a lot of changes this year but overall I'd say it was a good one :)
i wish I died in 2017
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I’ve had a pretty great 2017. I remodeled one of my bedrooms and my entire kitchens which desperately needed it. Gallows and I had a very successful garden this year and did a lot of canning. And as for the most significant thing this year, it would be that we got married. Over all I think 2017 was good for me.
This year I:

Realised I'm better at English but I prefer maths hhhhhhh
Learnt how to make my drawings bearable
Listened to kpop for the first time
Watched Miami lose in London to stupid saints
I received new nicknames....

I’ve had a pretty great 2017. I remodeled one of my bedrooms and my entire kitchens which desperately needed it. Gallows and I had a very successful garden this year and did a lot of canning. And as for the most significant thing this year, it would be that we got married. Over all I think 2017 was good for me.

Woo, congrats c:

For myself, I'm def. better off with friends and/or fwb relationships rather than having one partner and be bound to the gf/bf kind of things. I don't like the expectations people have and I def. don't want the house, dog, car, kids life anyways.
i improved my art and that's about it.
the same as every other year i guess.
My 2017 had a semi-rough start. With my Husband joining the military and being gone for 6 months for boot camp, though it taught me how to be a "single" parent. I've learned I can raise my son and handle him on my own. (In laws would say I can't and that he'd be dead.. Yeah they are the worst.. But i PROVED them wrong!) Then learning something very horrible during my husband's AIT.. My depression really took over, to the point I wished death upon myself and others.. And it's a feeling I never want to feel again. I was able to push myself through that situation, I overcame the thoughts, I held back from myself and what I felt like doing to myself. I'm a Christian (please don't judge me, this is what I believe in) and I was able to feel more connected to God thanks to the situation. I couldn't have done it without God, and the teachings I learned. I am truly grateful for that. After the 6 months, I was able to be with my husband once more. We arrived safely and happily to our first duty station. I LOVE it here and would honestly consider living here permanently when my husband gets out. My son FINALLY started talking a whole lot more (he has major speech delay) so hearing him finally talk was the greatest, AND I potty trained him! Something my husband was trying to do (and failed) before he left to bootcamp. Then in august we found out we were pregnant (after trying for 2-3 months, so even during his AIT training). Something I thought would NEVER happen again, since I use to ask my husband all the time for another baby and he would decline. In May he finally said Yes to another baby, and here we are.. Expecting a girl in April.
Many of my hardships came before 2017, but I'm still trying to overcome them even to this day. 2017 was a rollercoaster. Currently we are happy and living, but the thing that worries me is the fact that my husband's unit is "on-call" so if anything happens he's the first to leave to deployment. And honestly thats whats really holding me down right now.. I'm using ACNL as a distraction, and its somewhat helping but at the same time I need to face reality. I know my husband would be safe, but it still worries me. I at least want him to be here for the birth of his daughter. I know anyone would... But I'm just so thankful for everything God has given me. A house, living on our own, being financially stable, having another baby, and just live a happy and calm life.. Things I've prayed for and I'm grateful for the wait, because if He answered my prayer right away I probably would have been miserable and things would have been worse. Things happen for a reason, I wouldn't have been grateful if He answered them 2 years ago, or even a year ago. Our life would have been chaotic and I probably wouldn't even be married right now.

2017 was a wild ride, and I'm glad that ride has finally calmed down, because 2018 will be just as hectic. My son starts preschool (yay!), my daughter is going to be born, so she's going to keep me busy, if things go as planned then my husband will be deploying in October and won't return for 6-9 months, luckily he will be back for our anniversary. I'm just glad to be living in the calm before the storm. I really feel I have grown into the woman I wanted to be this year, the mom, wife, and person I wanted to be. :)
I think the only good things about 2017 were that I got out of HS and then SMO was released.

All that other stuff I said I was gonna do... you know, work out more, be more social and make new friends in college... yeah none of that happened.

Not like it really matters anyways.
The best thing that happened to me this year was the realisation that my life sucks and by this time next year I need to get my **** together, basically.
january - end of discord group "****house" a sad time
and goodbye hospital school
february - talking to a guy i've fell in love with for a while quite closely, get caught up in some sort love triangle (my crush actually loves me too, but someone else was competing for me LOL) get very invested in fire emblem heroes, expanding music taste
march 15th - relationship begins
april - getting my **** together in year 10
may - starting to struggle in school
june - really falling apart
july - getting back into school, finally leaving a ****hole known as google+, keeping very few friends
august - get four work experience offers, happy
september - more confident for year 11, start off well
october - abandoning all friends to start fresh, ALL work experience offers have fallen flat for stupid reasons they all made up because they weren't prepared, but on the bright side my boyfriend by now has helped me loosen up on meds, no longer depressed, quit CAMHS, and other mental things are better, start playing a game called town of salem, invested into pocket camp, going outside a lot more
november - school completely falls apart for me, disappointed in so many things, but my boyfriend introduces many games we can play together
hospital school is reconsidered
december - **** on an old friend's (who is a goddamn creepy pedo weeaboo) parade, excited for christmas and birthday

overall if i didn't have him this year would be crap but i feel very happy with him and it's nice

i guess that's about it
i got contacts and a lot of cute clothes, met some new friends & am content with the way things have been going so far
the only good thing that happened is that i first learned to draw at the start of the year. drawing is something i enjoy and will continue to do for long.

other than that....i hope i wake up in a heaven one day.

Awwwh my poor child :,(

Maybe you can create your own heaven with your drawing? The more you practice the better you'll get!~
The absolute worst days of my life have happened this year. For the first time ever I'd felt completely trapped with no idea what to do or how to even go on.

But there were also good days and good things that happened to me and I'm thankful for all of that because I learned a lot about the people around me and a lot about myself and I've started trying to live without so much negativity and toxicity even if it means cutting people out (hooray!)

And everything EXO's done for me this year just makes me :blush: :blush: :blush:
i'm so worried and scared about high school next year. more importantly, what the heck am i going to be when i grow up. i'm too chicken for those open doors of the high school, the mean teachers, the bullying, the crowds....i'm scared.

hey, I just entered high school this year and it's not bad. I'm in America so idk how the system works in Canada, but there's definitely no bullying, at least not in my school. The teachers and guidance and everyone goes easy on the freshman, so your first year will be fine. I have a friend who moved to Canada this year and she's a freshman in high school and we talk she hasn't complained about anything, her school actually looks pretty nice lol.

I was scared too, bc it was two middle schools combining into one high school, and all the kids from my school made friends with the other school so fast even though we were rivals?? and my friends are making friends with kids from other schools too and I feel left out, but trust me don't be afraid of the crowds, you'll make new friends, I did.

for me, 2017 was good. I told myself I was going to "glow up" when I went to high school by gaining weight cause I'm really skinny (didn't go through with it), boost my confidence (it's still super low) and etc. high school is okay so far, I'm just trying to still make some friends because I'm scared that the friends that I walked into high school, aren't going to be the same friends I walk out of high school with.
each year has ups and downs, this year just had more downs than ups. i made 2 really great friends and i appreciate them both & i was accepted as a transfer student a the university i've always wanted to attend but that's about where the good ends. a slew of mental health concerns, familial relationships, and so on have made the rest of this year awful.

hopefully 2018 will be more kind.
Such an awful year this has been oh god. Here's hoping 2018 will shine.
uhhh all i've really had going for me this year is that i started my last year of high school and i got my first job. that's pretty much it.