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100% Orange Juice (Animal Crossing theme mod)


The black-nosed Reindeer
Apr 1, 2013
Green Christmas Stocking
Jingle Christmas Doll
Jingle Christmas Doll
Winter Mittens
Hey, been a while since I've been around TBT, but I figure ya'll might be interested in what I've spent the past few months working on.

100% Orange Juice - Animal Crossing version mod: https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=2617764418

I don't know if many people here play 100% OJ, but it's a super addicting and chaotic online mario party-esque PC game. I was steadily falling down an ever deeper chasm for it when I realised it could be even more addicting by combining my other love with it. :p

I will say, I'm still working on it, and adding more characters, but currently there are 238 characters playable, with 3 AC character options for each base game OJ character. - Eg The aquatic mermaid Watty has been replaced with Pascal, Wendell and Hopper as playable options.


We have every Special NPC from ACNH and ACNL, and 175 villagers playable! A further 100 can join as a companion villagers to have 2 characters running around at once. All modes, menus, mini-games, everything I could get my hands on has been modded to fit the AC style.

Also as a great piece of good timing I released this mod and the game went on sale on steam so it's like 75% off until November 7th, with a lot of the dlc packs (usually 2 characters unlocked per dlc) around half price too.

Edit: https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=2790500560
Link to the full collection of AC related mods for OJ now, as more optional add on mods have been made to tie in to this.
Supporting UI/non workshop changes mod: https://gamebanana.com/mods/383864
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Hi Jinglefruit! I hope you’ve been well! ☺️

That looks fun! Unfortunately I don’t have that game or money to buy it and I don’t know if my computer can handle it; it is old and could never handle games unfortunately.
I love 100% Orange Juice! Haven't played it in years but would love to play again!

That mod looks so awesome! Excellent work on it!!
Hi Jinglefruit! I hope you’ve been well! ☺

That looks fun! Unfortunately I don’t have that game or money to buy it and I don’t know if my computer can handle it; it is old and could never handle games unfortunately.

Hey Dunquixote! How've you been?
Can't help on the money side, though the game was free at one point when steam had their covid giveaway, and it does dip below $2 every so often in crazy sales, but I can say the game runs pretty well even on windows xp apparently. Only issue is that if you want to play with friends there can be desyncing issues if someones internet isn't up to scratch, tho they can drop and rejoin fairly quickly.

I love 100% Orange Juice! Haven't played it in years but would love to play again!

That mod looks so awesome! Excellent work on it!!

Yea, I was in the same boat, hadn't played for around 3 years and then picked it up again and there was a ton of new characters and modes and a host of interesting mods that were one click to apply to the game and it all suckered me in. :p Def think it's worth another look at if you've not kept up with the updates!
I’ve been good :); I hope you’ve been well too :).

I’ll keep an eye out on sales and if I do get it, I’ll post here or on your wall :). It’s good to see you again and what you’ve been up to. That mod looks awesome!
ayee welcome back! i’ve never played 100% oj before, but that honestly looks super cool and i can tell that you’ve put a lot of work into it! i’ll definitely consider trying it out! :)
Been a while since I updated here on this mod, but huge improvements have been made for it now. (And the game itself has added 4 new characters and a bunch of new modes in an ingame event currently!)

There's now around 110 playable characters - nearly half of the roster have an alternate style buyable via the in game shop. I'll eventually have at least 2 characters for each character, but it's a lot of work, so we're a few months away from that. (feel free to suggest chars tho!)
on image.png

All characters have a full set of optional colour variants, separate clothing colour options and passing balloon decorations - and around half the roster have accessory slots for additional things. (eg Sasha's plush collection, extra options for Tortimer's shell and beard, and a scattering of halloween masks.) - At least 169 variation for each character currently, and uh.... 8100 possibilities just for Stitches patchwork. :D
There's also ~70 companion "pets" in game, so you can have a second character join you in your quest to not lose all your stars to the boss on the final turn and lose. - featuring Marty, Mathilda's child, and Nova my modded creation from NL and HHD for those that followed those misadventures on my blog.

All modes of play are now fully set up with the Animal Crossing style. This includes co-op boss fights against Knox, Sterling, Coco and her reviving gyroid minion, or the Nook family gone feral and rummaging through your trash! There's also the bounty hunt quest mode which'll have you searching for Wisps spirits, borrowing milk from Tia, and purchasing Gulliver's mercenary services, while trying to escape Rodeo's relentless hunt.
There's also a bunch of optional add-on mods to give seasonal Animal Crossing borders to the panel spaces and around 30 characters have Animal Crossing / AC inspired music which plays when they level up.

Full collection of Animal Crossing mods here: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2790500560 - do note when it comes to panel mods only one loads in at a time, so you have to set your preferred one as a priority in the in game settings.
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I don't know anything about this game, but honestly this looks like a ton of fun. I always enjoyed Mario Party as a kid. These boards look like there is more going on in it than Mario Party.
I don't know anything about this game, but honestly this looks like a ton of fun. I always enjoyed Mario Party as a kid. These boards look like there is more going on in it than Mario Party.
It really is a ton of fun, and there's a lot more depth than Mario Party. In addition to just the number of characters and boards and modes detailed above, there's also the card system that really makes playing every character completely different experiences. I haven't yet gone over the cards system at all, so have a taste of how much complexity there is here:

Each game, each player brings 10 cards with them (There's 95 cards to chose from, and you can bring multiple!), and 8 blank hypers get added in, to give a deck of 48 cards for that game. If you draw a blank hyper it becomes your characters card.
Different colours play differently;
- Green cards are your standard item effect cards,
- Purple cards are traps you set on the board for someone else to land on and take the effects,
- Blue cards affect everyone,
- Yellow are only useable when fighting another player or a mob/boss,
- Pink give passive effects while you hold them
- Red are the hyper cards, and could take any of the above effects. They are usually unique to the player but there are ways to nab an opponents hyper and use it against them!
There's also a whole bunch of extra Bounty cards, wild growing mushroom cards, or items to be bought from shops depending on modes and events occuring to add on top of the above, and that's without counting that all ~75 characters have at least 1 unique hyper card.

What really sets it apart though is the characters all being unique, this is Nook, Isabelle and Saharah, and their hyper cards.
For Nook the hyper cards become "Nooks Getaway Package". This lets him turn his hand into Nooks Cranny cards, to place as trap cards on panels around the board, passively earning him more stars and stealing stars from anyone landing on them. He relies on creating a capitalistic feedback loop of continuously earning more stars to propell him into first place, but he has to watch out for attackers, cause all his defence and evasion rolls have a -1 debuff on them!


Here's Isabelle, she has a lot less passive rules to her than Nook, so lets talk about her +1 Attack and Evasion, and lower Recovery. She'll be much more inclined to steal others hard earned stars and succeed in doing so, and even come back faster than Nook! And you can also win a game by winning battles alone if stars aren't working out for you.
But while Isabelle has this as her main tactic, her hyper allows her to pull any 2 recently discarded cards from the discard pile and play them for free, including other players hypers! Her playstyle could change dramatically based on who she's up against, or what cards others bought with them. Some cards cost 50 stars to play, and she can pull them for 20 stars and get the benefits.


Saharah thrives on avoiding battles to hold onto her stars, so both her hyper, and her passive ability grants her the exotic rugs cards to escape from battles. She also makes stars by holding on to these when she reaches her own home panel, but this in turn can often put her into the lead, making her a target right when she's just dropped off all her cards which allows her to escape from battles!
Equally, holding a hyper and 3 exotic rugs, could give her a +3 attack stat in a pinch if she wants to virtually guarantee taking stars from another player.
But let's say a level 5 Isabelle is near their base and close to winning, can't play your hyper now, in case Isabelle counterfeits it and plays it too!
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Yo, thought I'd update with the massive changes that I just released. We now have 161 playable characters in this mod!
Left image is the mains and "costume alts" which are fully customisable, right are the alts available over the kigurumi accessories.
apng final mains.png
apng final alts.png

I've also released a supporting mod which Animal Crossing-ifies everything the light touches. The UI, cutscenes, dice, mini-games, icons, animations, mushrooms, the in game shop, and even transforms the arcade into a village - https://gamebanana.com/mods/383864


Thought I'd update here as there's now a 3rd slot on every character (full selection of all 238 playable characters are in the 1st post, and a few other picture updates added to this thread, as all character and hyper cards have been updated.) As far as I'm concerned the mod is now complete aside from a handful of characters I have some small visual updates planned for, and around 25ish characters have optional "accessory" customisation slots I have yet to add. I may return to add more characters in the future but currently I only plan to add more as and when DLC releases.

Alongside the extra 80ish playable characters, we've also got new updates to dice, shop icons, profile images, and mini-games in the UI mod - https://gamebanana.com/mods/383864


Also worked on updating as many hyper animations and icons, and a handful of field backgrounds, so OJs Hyper card craziness can translate even more into the AC context I've added.

Also the game is on sale on Steam until the 7th November for a blisteringly cheap $1.50! - https://store.steampowered.com/app/282800, with most DLC also in the $1 range for 2 OJ characters (which is 6 AC characters). When viewed with the UI mod in game you can see exactly which 6 AC characters you get for each pack in the stop like so:
(Just to be clear; the AC stuff is just a mod, all purchases go to the games developer, Fruitbat Factory)