Why does the South have bad statistics?

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so you're saying atheists are a 'downfall'? great, what exactly do we do thats so bad for society?

Atheists aren't bad for society. When I read about the advantages of each state, that was from a Christian viewpoint, which I can agree on.

@BlooBelle: you are actually right. Another thing I like to point out is that the region with the most politically free state also had the most politically repressed state. That's the Northeast, with New Hampshire having more freedom than any other state while New York having less freedom than any other state.

Not only that, but according to some other site, all 50 states are bottom ranked in at least one category. At the same time, they're also top ranked in at least one category. It's just that the south dominates the bottom ten in many categories.
Considering the south is, by far, the fastest growing region in the US population wise, and arguably economically wise, I have to question how the south ranks so low in livability and poverty. :confused:

Do you have a source for your statistics?

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The South has good people that mean well. If I have have ever felt more different from a region of the country it's people from the North East. They are stuck up, over emotional, and rude. I've only had dealings with people from upstate New York though. They also hate Canadians for some reason. I listened to an ex and her family go on and on about how trashy and easy Canadian girls are, and honestly I was even offended.

ready to go make a sweeping generalization. lol

Just because you experienced attitudes like that when you visited the northeast doesn't mean all 50+ million living there are like that...
ready to go make a sweeping generalization. lol

Just because you experienced attitudes like that when you visited the northeast doesn't mean all 50+ million living there are like that...

I honestly don't really care, only went out on a limb due to a page of south bashing. People suck everywhere.

It comes down to many things why the South is at the bottom of a few nationwide surveys. Lifestyle, government funding, drugs, poverty, ect. Kentucky and Tennessee make and use the most Meth.
We aren't south bashing, we're discussing why the south has lower statistics. I have nothing against the south, I thought I made that clear. o~o
The South has had a history of violence from both the colored and White community. There will still be violence. There are a lot of Christian extremists in the South that are stubborn enough to not accept science by not letting their kids get vaccinated and learn the theory of evolution. The South primarily is rural, so education is not available everywhere
These are just things that I learned about; I'm not South bashing.
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Most of the states here are from the south.
These maps show how much higher the poverty rates are.
Another study from huffington post

Found these just from a quick google search, and I'm sure you can find better info from much better sources.

For your information, the Huffington post is a liberal biased site. They tend to shame on conservatives on anything.

As for two of these maps, I am in favor of a low minimum wage since I am capitalistic. And for that map about medicaid expansion, I'm proud of Texas not expanding medicaid. I'm also proud that Texas refuses to participate in the Obamacare exchange. Socialized medicine is bad for society. And lighter forms like Obamacare are included as well.

I think the reason why the South had been poor for a long time is because of the Civil War. It may be done 150 years ago, but the effects still last. Mississippi was once the richest state. After the Civil War, it went to the other extreme swiftly. The Civil War was a major contributor to economic troubles in the South.
Alright, sorry! Those were the quickest results I could find.
I'm Canadian so I really don't have much to say on the subject and I don't really look into politics, I'm just trying to be a mediator here. XD
Agreed. Believe me, the south is awful because the people are awful and gross.

I'm not gross :(

I love where I live. It's a great state with great job opportunities. So many great schools to go to. I just love Texas. Awful/gross people live EVERYWHERE. Maybe you should get out more.
lets all agree that everywhere sucks but can be good at the same time
Should we lock this thread? It seems like there's a lot of hate here. .-.
btw im not referring to you shinyyoshi
We aren't south bashing, we're discussing why the south has lower statistics. I have nothing against the south, I thought I made that clear. o~o

Right. The title is "why does the south have bad statistics", not "let's bash the south". I like how you're not being biased as you describe how bad the south is.
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Should we lock this thread? It seems like there's a lot of hate here. .-.
btw im not referring to you shinyyoshi

No worries! :)
I think people should just say more than "the south sucks cause it sucks" in here though.
How are we really supposed to know this lol not like anyone here knows, they'll just put out something but who knows if it's true. a lot of the site is too young or doesn't really look into these things.

I suggest you try google or research it.
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I really don't see why you should lock the thread. I made an obnoxious post due to flop. I'll just go since my sarcasm is going over everyones' heads.
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I didn't see that post, so I really couldn't tell that it was sarcasm. :L
Sorry, though! I just don't want a flame war to brew up.
For your information, the Huffington post is a liberal biased site. They tend to shame on conservatives on anything.

But you yourself have admitted that statistically the South is worse off. They may have a liberal bias but in this case it's a bias you agree with since it's the entire premise of the thread.
For your information, the Huffington post is a liberal biased site. They tend to shame on conservatives on anything.

LOLOL dont beleivb the libal media!!111 They gonna trick u into thinkin Dixie ain't rite!!! stand ur ground!!! dont tred on me!!! *song of the south plays on the pickup truck's horn*

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them homiesessuals and the gummyment tryin to take my racism away
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