Who is your favorite villager you've had as a starter?

design wise i enjoy a ton of different styles and aesthetics so it’s near impossible for me to pick a singular one !! if we’re talking about memories tho, i have a huge soft spot for ava. she was one of my starters in my very first town i ever made in new leaf, and i was going through a hard time back then. her nurturing and caring way about her made her feel almost like a mother figure? i know it’s silly because she’s just a little 3d chicken but,, she means a lot to me :]
i recently restarted it but I once got tia, wolfgang, and gayle as my starters and I thought that was pretty good. honestly it's not often I get starting villagers that i dislike.
sterling!! i don't really know why i like him so much but ever since i had him in my first ever town i've had to have him in all my other ones
I’ll go with Bones in New Leaf or Mac in City Folk. I love all of the dogs.
OMG Ken camped in my town a week or so ago and I had NO IDEA, he is WONDERFUL except I have no idea what his house looks like but he’s a keeper imho.
I had both Megan and Audie as random starters on one of my NH islands! I loved them so much that when I reset I immediately hunted them down, lol. I also had Raymond as the mandatory camper in one island, which was cool, though Julian will always be my favorite smug ❤
Filbert I will always remember from my first ever town. Isabelle told me to say hello to him, because he was always nice and friendly or something, so I did and she was right. I think he's the only lazy villager I've ever actually properly liked, even to this day.
Mines is most definitely cole the lazy rabbit villager who I love and now have in acnh.
Its been a long time since i started my town but I’m pretty sure Ozzy was one of my starters and I didn’t like him too much at first. But then the first time it rained in my town, I saw him strolling with his leaf umbrella and I pretty much fell in love with him. I managed to keep him for years in my town, he didn’t even move out when I logged back into the game after a year. But finally he did move out and I was heartbroken and immediately regretted it
Since this was posted in the New Leaf thread, I'll guess it only refers to this one installment of the franchise?

Well, in that case I only ever started the town I have now (yeah, running for 8 years already! :cool:) My original setup were Rooney, Cheri, Soleil, Big Top and Coco. I liked Coco the most, and she was also the last one of my originals to leave.
Gosh this is a toughie. Filbert was a starter in my first ever village and he absolutely won me over in becoming a fan of the game. A goofy squirrel that loves space? Sign me up. In my current village, both Roscoe and Ankha were my starters and I adore both greatly.
Ozzie have got my atention with his ol' bear stuff, i think he is very cool!
Kid Cat. I actually stick with 3 of my first ever villagers no matter what I play now.
Kid Cat, Mitzi, Fang.