Which villager's house would you like to decorate?


Fumichō 富美蝶
Mar 29, 2015
If you are getting the game, which villager's house would you like to decorate? I don't think I will get the game, but I think Lolly's house would be nice to design... I'd give it a bubblegum theme xD
Maybe Snake. He sells his stuff way to fast so it doesn't look Asian at all hardly anymore and i'd like to fix that.
I'd like to make Drift's house match up more with the jungle theme he has going on.
all of them like they all need help with decorating (*?・v・)
Poppy, to make it look like a palace. Everything is little for my (missing) princess :)
Love all your ideas!
Haha, yeah- I think it would also be nice to give Julian's house a mystical theme, with rainbow screens and stuff :O
Obviously, Isabelle's, I mean she HAS to have one somewhere right? She's supposed to have a room full of boxes (so she claimed) along with seashells, so I'd like to see what her room actually looks like.
Spork, although his is a classroom design and I want to be a teacher, it just doesn't make any sense. he doesn't even have a bed! lol
I actually read a tumblr confession about someone (Definitely not me, I promise) who wanted to turn Cheri's house into a sex dungeon :p

But in all seriousness I'll make a lounge room for Gaston. His house is too poor and dirty.
Gulliver needs some love. I would love to be able to make a marine/ship themed room for him. If that's not possible, probably Rosie, as she is my favorite villager at this moment ;) Polka dots everywhere!
I'd luv to do Celeste's room!!! With the lunar horizon, the star gazer, a telescope, the cool globe, and modern furniture!!!
Coco! I'd put a matching set of Gyroids in (Probably Gongoids) and have her change her song to anything other than K.K. Dirge.