What's the last movie you've seen?

In theaters: Storks, I was pleasantly surprised by how good this was, because I didn't expect much out of it.
At home: Me Before You, had been waiting for my mother to finish reading the book so we could watch it together, and oh god, I cried all over again.
i watched two of the first rurouni kenshin movies and idk....i didn't like it as much as i thought i would have with how good the reviews are. i definitely enjoyed them but I'm not sure the story will stick with me. (didn't read the manga or anything so this is my take on them as standalone movies).
maybe I'm not super into the whole "i promise to never kill again" theme. i was also disappointed by how kaoru? was portrayed as too much of a damsel in distress after how badass her character seemed at first. it's like she's only there as a reminder for him not to kill.
I saw Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children in theatres last week. I've been watching a lot of horror movies at home lately. I think the last one I watched was The Exorcism of Emily Rose?
Recently saw Dave & Mike need wedding dates... so good! Adam Devine is so good at making me laugh! Too bad cousin Terry wasn't played by Kate McKinnon!
Also saw The Woods which was recommended to me. Was ok for a little scare.
In the cinema: Miss Peregrine's home for peculiar children! It was quite a good movie considering I just randomly chose it to go and see as I didn't see anything else that interested me. I may considering getting the DVD sometime in the future lol! I would suggest it to anyone who is hesitant about watching it!
At home: I rewatched When Marnie was There, one of my favourite movies ever! I was feeling pretty down so watching that while curled up with my cats in front of a warm fire was just what I needed to cheer me up! It has such a great story and is such a beautiful movie, I would suggest it to anyone who has not seen it! Definitely an amazing Studio Ghibli movie :)
I think it was Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix which was probably about a month ago. :p