What's the hardest letter for you to write neat?

What's the hardest letter for you to write neat?

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I'd say a J, in cursive and in print ;~; which is unfortunate since it's the first letter of my name. I struggled for years trying to come up with a decent signature
non-capital t's. they look like broke fences every time I try.

most of my handwriting looks like a kid tho since i'm only used to write when i took notes in class and they are very messy lmao
A lot of people seemed to get confused with u and v when reading my handwriting. Q and r can be a struggle too.
A lot of people seemed to get confused with u and v when reading my handwriting. Q and r can be a struggle too.


yeah sometime i type u an v pretty similar, i try to avoid it though but it's too easy.

and w sometimes cause swedish don't use it a lot lol
my handwriting is so ugly djfjfkdldk i would lamlst like to vote all of them because it's so bad ):
if i really try it can look kind of neat/ok but if im just writing normally i always get thst "uhh ok" lool or they struggle with reading it.

my h's and n's look very similar when im writing fast. m, n and r sometimes just turn into a squiggly line, especially when there are several in a row.
tbh i dont even go for neat, i just focus on making it readable...
Yeah h and n don't remind me jajaja. But yeah most of my handwriting i p messy unless I really make an effort to make it look nice on official papers lel.
Although my handwriting is generally messy, I have never really had trouble with any letters in particular. That being said, if I had to choose, I would probably say x because I'm lazy so when I write things I try to write them as quickly as possible. Therefore my x's can sometimes look pretty messed up. (If I mess them up, it normally looks like and alpha symbol or something.)
I have the toughest time writing 'S' because of how fast I write, they end up looking like 'C's :/
My k's look teribble. Either I cross the lines too early and it looks like an x mashed with an l, or the lower line just floats.
I don't have problems with any letter when writing in print, although a's had me for years...finally got em.
in cursive, I can't for the life of me figure out how to make a lowercase z

off topic, but does anyone else actually like their handwriting?? everyone calls their handwriting messy and ugly or complains about it but I honestly really like mine. sometimes after writing something i'll just admire it lol does anyone else do this??? it's not perfect handwriting or anything I just think it's nice to look at and know it's mine and unique to me
b d p q because dyslexia.

Also a lot of my letters run into each other when I write, it's like a monstrous combination of cursive and not because the letters just melt into one another...
Lowercase "n". I've always been writing it like a lowercase "h" and I still have trouble writing it.

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Also "k"
My handwriting is already pretty neat. But if I had to really nitpick.. I'd say w?

I'd prefer to write my W's pointy but on default they'll be curved and 'bubbly'.
All of them, my handwriting has always been terrible.