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Whats City Folk like?

I've played City Folk for over 1k hours, so i would know its a very good game, but it doesn't compare to New Leaf (obviously).
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I played Wild World all the time, and when I got City Folk I didn't really like it. I couldn't even stand having a town for over a month. I got bored with it easily, to be honest.
I don't think it's better than Wild World or New Leaf, and even though I didn't have GameCube I don't even think it could come close to that either. In my opinion, it was the worst one out of the franchise, mainly because it was almost a complete copy of Wild World. :(
My biggest gripe about this game is the villager interaction, which quite frankly is pretty abysmal. :(
Cf is better in my opinion i remeber talking to peanut then going to the city and getting to know kicks, I knew him so well he shined my shoes for free.
I have only played nl and cf. i think in comparison, you will find cf graphics to be more primitive. Also, since cf is tied to a tv, it makes jumping on for a few mintues difficult whereas in nl, you get to power up a mobile device rather quickly. Try it, you might like it, but i think you might get bored with it faster.
Well, first of all making money in CF is was more slower than in NL. I remember that the most I got was about 100k in one day or so. The graphics are a little more on the 'chibi' size; and the characters, the houses and the town weren't really customizable. Getting the golden tools was rather easy, except for that GOLDEN AXE. If you ever play this game you'll learn to hate your village fountain.
While I think that fishing was more easy, catching bugs will seem a little bit like a challeng at first.

Even with all of this, I really recommend you to play fully this game, let me explain. While in NL you have a lot of New features and items, there's something that it lacks, and that is NPC development. In CF, you can learn about the Able sisters, Pete, Phyllis, Blathers, Celeste, Gracie, Lyle, heck, even Shrunks gets a little spotlight (also, Tortimer dialogues were pretty funny from time to time IE thanksgiving). I don't know, I feel like if this little details added a great feeling to the game, but maybe that's just me.
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All I'm gonna say is, that City Folk is nothing compared to New Leaf.
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I have all the animal crossings and new leaf is the best!
I don't really like the city folk graphics and the people are little munchkins! :)
All I'm gonna say is, that New Leaf is NOTHING compared to City Folk.

lol just seen this
You get 100k at the most a day, controls are wierd, you have to work a part time job for a bit, and the main focus (the city) is too overhyped. I played it 3 years ago but now, being older it's TERRIBLE.
I'm pretty new to Animal Crossing and my first game was New Leaf, but recently my cousin gave me her extra copy and I'm gonna be going backwards xD

So whats City Folk like? How different is it from New Leaf? I know the grass dies faster but thats pretty much the extent of my City Folk knowledge :X

Honestly, City Folk is pretty bad (compared to New Leaf). It's still a fun game in my opinion, and I played it a lot, but NL is just so much better. :)

After playing Wild World I was really excited about City Folk and I expected it to be a huge improvement. It wasn't really, but I still liked the whole city aspect. A lot of people thought the city part was a huge letdown, but I liked it. It would have been nice if there were more shops, but I didn't really care (the city was basically like main street in NL).

The people are midgety, which is how they are in all AC games (except for NL). It's sort of weird to compare the CF people to the NL people because of the strange height difference, but I didn't even notice because I was used to the standard AC people heights.

One little quirk that I liked about the game was lost keys. They were basically the same as a lost item in NL, except you had to fish a key out of the river when a villager got locked out of their house. It was fun. XD

I'd say it's a game that probably no one would want to waste their money on nowadays. It's meh. For me it was extremely boring after awhile, but still very addicting. I'd want to stop playing because I would be bored out of my mind, but...I just couldn't. I'll probably never play again though, now that I have NL.
When the next Animal Crossing game is released, you lot, mocking those thinking different, are going to wish you never said anything.