What's Bothering You?

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feel good for no reason feel bad for no reason 2 seconds later, this is fun and all but why
I'm actually feeling nervous about a hurricane for once...
Oh no! Sucks that you have to put up with that :(
I (and I'm sure a lot of other people) know how it feels to be around annoying people that you can't do anything about. Really brings out our inner anger. Just don't get yourself too worked up, it's not good for your mental health. I know from experience...

lol thanks girl! I was just in a really foul mood and got carried away. Everything's ok now though, I got to eat Chinese food an I'm in a much better mood now.
lol thanks girl! I was just in a really foul mood and got carried away. Everything's ok now though, I got to eat Chinese food an I'm in a much better mood now.

Glad to hear! :blush:

I think Chinese food could put anyone in a good mood lol
I have a physics quiz tomorrow and I'm worrying about it cause last week I sucked on the quiz... the quiz tomorrow is a problem either over free-fall acceleration or vectors, so I guess it won't be too bad. I just hope it doesn't involve derivatives (cause I didn't learn derivatives in Pre-Calc last year). If it doesn't I'll prob be fine.

I'm wearing my Admiral Kirk shirt tomorrow for good luck (and because I like Star Trek lol) :)
i can't lash out at anyone but i want to because i keep biting my tongue and *trying* to let things go but i'm just going to explode!!!! eventually
Having such a hard time articulating myself today... don't know if it's the lack of sleep or something else being wrong with me but I am having the worst time talking to anyone.
My favorite thing to hear when I'm in terrible physical pain is that it's my own fault because I didn't magically cure it by drinking 8 cups of water!!!!! It's great how relatives who know absolutely nothing about me or my health feel the need to comment on it constantly when I literally never asked them!!!!!!!! :)
My favorite thing to hear when I'm in terrible physical pain is that it's my own fault because I didn't magically cure it by drinking 8 cups of water!!!!! It's great how relatives who know absolutely nothing about me or my health feel the need to comment on it constantly when I literally never asked them!!!!!!!! :)

I feel so lonely rn and my bf offered to visit me but I feel so bad for making him drive here ;;
any time i do something my parents don't like, they blame it on my medication and think that it's "changed me" boy have i got news for you, i've always wanted to die
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