What's Bothering You?

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Don't be embarrassed to ask for your pills to be crushed. I have to crush my medications because I'm so fearful of swallowing pills whole. You can buy a pill crusher if you don't want to ask. I know this is a personal thing to admit so I understand how you feel.
Aww wow, thanks so much! None of my friends or family have this problem so it's nice in a way to be reminded it's not just me, but I'm sorry it's an issue for you too :/ for me it's a combination of fear and a bad gag reflex lol. I'll pick up a pill cutter next time I go to the pharmacy, for some reason I never thought of it, but it must be better than doing it between two spoons lmao...
I'm a terrible host
I'm a terrible child
I'm a terrible person
And I look terrible compared to everyone
I'm so sick of my horrible self-esteem and
paranoia. like, can you not please? I would
like to live my life without thinking everyone
hates me or my whole entire existence is
k thanks brain
i am very paranoid, i always think somone is here at night...but if there was my dog will be barking. still though.
I never should've looked it up bc now I just saw something I didn't need to see and I can't unsee it
why why WHY did i have to download this app. now i can't delete it unless restrictions are turned off. i'd ask my dad to delete it if it wasn't such a forbidden app. uhghh
there's a bee in my room and he won't come out, he's flying around super fast and angrily, I'm scared he'll sting the tortoise or something,
I am so glad it's my Friday oh dang oh man. Been sick all week, and tonight in the middle of my paperwork a million things happened all at once. X.X Can't wait the few hours for my relief to get here so I can just toss it all on them and run the hell home... my brain is fried enough just trying to function because I'm sick... but now toss a million things on top of that and I'm out for the count. SO ready to sleep all day long tomorrow and chug like a whole bottle of Nyquil.
Sleep deprivation. I could fix it but it's hard to sleep when there's a lot on your mind. (Also I wake up too early or sometimes in the middle of the night and I get hungry in the process)
the test of biology really bothered me that i almost vomit
im actually crying because i think i failed for being so uncomfortable
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