What's Bothering You?

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I looked back at my Transaction log and my friends list.

I remember a lot and it makes me sad. Most of the people that I traded with or was friends with left.
There are a few alumni of our organization trash talking on twitter and I'm not really sure if they're trash talking us freshmen or the upper years but whatever they want to say, I wish they'd say it directy to our faces instead of immaturely letting us guess what the hell's the problem?? So annoying ugh, pls be more mature instead of spreading negativity without any clue or hint
I lost one of the balls of my industrial bar and had to put in a new one and then found out all the other barbells I have are the wrong width

and I learned that the hard way. my ear hurts
i need more clothes for the summer bc its hot af but mom refuses to take me w her to the mall. why must you do this mother
i need to save but yeah i need a few more like, tshirts and stuff :/ and i ned to clean wardrobe but i gotta wait til mom is free..

also stop being annoying can i come or no, it's not that he is gonna do it for you lmaooooo bruh
My hubs is pissed cos I made him take the long way home lul rip I didn't know the stupid GPS would take us here
I really feel as if I can't blend in any groups or even make close friendships with people... oh well. :/
Most of the people who have the togepi collectible (which I'm buying a whole bunch of, pm me of you got some ;-)) are either not active on the fourms anymore or not selling it ansjsjajsj

- - - Post Merge - - -

:confused:paranoid/guilty conscious(not real) because a mod/admin visited my profile...>@.@< whatdd i do???

I wouldn't sweat about it, unless they have given you an infraction/warning, you're totally fine :)
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Check the train times to see when the next train is and discovered that I'm not even going to be able to get home tonight. And issues may persist for another 24hrs. Goddamn it Scotrail.
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