What's Bothering You?

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i had a weird dream with my crush, guy best friend, and other best friend. it was really odd because my crush hugged me from behind and said "hey you're back," when the dream was the first day back from break?? i mean im not complaining because he hugged me in the dream but i thought it was weird because my guy best friend started flirting w me and he has a gf. im p sure i don't have feelings for me either but oh well.
In a few days I'll have to get back to working and strict dieting again.
the fact that people find my sig cringe or 'creepy' lol it's my queen lauren jauregui and she's one of the hottest people on this earth so bye ?
Whoops, I was supposed to be "cleaning" my room and I've done nothing but sit on the computer and listen to Spotify... ;A;
Whoops, I was supposed to be "cleaning" my room and I've done nothing but sit on the computer and listen to Spotify... ;A;

LOL im supposed to be packing but im sitting on the floor on spotify
My boyfriend hurt my back two day ago, so last night I was trying to sleep in a way that wouldn't hurt my back and in turn I gave myself a gnarly knot in my shoulder... guess I can't win. -_-
Frick on a stick, my sinus headache from earlier is creeping back... making my eyes water too and it freaking suuucks. =[ I really don't need to be sick this weekend.
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