What's Bothering You?

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The bucket we have the trash can bags in was all greasy so I had to go clean it.. like mom what do you even jav in there :(
managed to wake up at a fairly normal time for once but then I fell back asleep again later /dead
got myself a nice tension headache for the last five or six hours for this bit of indulgence akjfkdjfskd
all the cleaning x.x

and i need more dosh in garden warfare 2 is2g i'll never get that plushie flower
Stuck on Puzzle Agent and I'm not even that far in the game! It's that damn tapeworm puzzle..like..wth?
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Ya know when you think something is bad and then it turns out to be even worse? Yeah...
I want the summer units and a chrom how hard is it damn fe heroes :( don't make me waste more now
i really want to move out this year but i'm struggling so much to find a job, i know i shouldn't be picky but i don't want a vague grad job, i want to do something i'll actually enjoy. i'm really thinking hard about going back to school but that would mean living with my parents even longer and it's such a financial strain. i just don't know what to do..
flip i just want every1 to leave me along rn :/ my dad keeps calling me and its soannoying & hes likely getting drunk/was by the last time he called like..... we were already on the phone litrally not even half an hour ago..... i cant use my phone for a minute w/o it vibratng i dont pick up bc i dont wanna deal w any yelling rn like im already so tired ugh im this close to throwing my phone at the wall im so serious lmaoo ive frickin thrown one of the home phones out the window before i can do it again :,))
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fall semester starts in about two weeks and i'm debating on whether or not to take up a second job. i'm not sure if i can handle working 35 hours a week while also being a full time student & having to attend cocurricular lectures a couple nights a month. but i need to start seriously saving money if i'm going to move out of my parents house when i graduate and go to grad school. idk what to do.
77 degrees? That's cool by Texas's standards, at least for the summer. Is Ohio actually cooler during the summer?

Well I mean Ohio is about 800 miles further from the equator than Texas so you tell me :lemon:

But yeah the average summer temp in Ohio is about 75-85 degrees. I've lived in central Ohio my whole life so the thought of going somewhere where the avg temperature is like 100 almost makes me faint.
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