what your favorite console?

SNES. So many great games, so many 2D platformers. Love the style of games from the 16-bit era 😊
My Switch, GameCube, and N64, Wii, and PS2 collections were/are the largest.

When the Wii first launched I cried when I got one at Christmas. Solid titles like Rune factory Frontier, Twilight Princess, WarioWare, Super Mario Galaxy, Muramasa, & Kirby releases. With backwards compatibility to boot it takes my top spot.
Honestly, it would be easy for me to say something like Sega Genesis or PS2. But, the truth is...when you're talking about any old console, most of those iconic games can be played on the modern consoles anyway. So, it would feel shortsighted to choose something like that. In terms of iconography, aesthetics, and just how I feel when I look at a system...it definitely is Sega Genesis. Honorable mentions to PS and PS2, and probably 360 as well. I have nothing but love for all of those. But, I have to acknowledge that I've honestly played something like a modern Xbox One a lot more than I ever played those other systems.

It's just too difficult to pin anything down. I've played a lot, and I've loved a lot. I was really fond of Gamecube, and Gameboy Advance, and DS, and now the Switch. I have great memories with all of them...and I'd honestly say that almost every console I've ever owned was "my favorite" at the time that I was playing it. I know that's a terrible "non-answer"...but, it's the truth. Lol. The modern ones allow for backwards compatibility, so they are objectively the best. When I'm playing a modern console, I'm fully tuned into that one system, and I'm having a great time. So...that's my answer.

Right now, I'm playing Last of Us 2, so I'm playing my PS4 almost every day...and I'm in love with everything about the feel of that system right now...but, under normal circumstances, I would never tell anyone that PS4 is my favorite system...because it really isn't. I play Switch and Xbox One WAY more than PS4 under normal circumstances. Lol.
Always have been a nintendo girl. I always used my brothers' N64 but soon the first console of my own that I saved and bought was the DSI so I'm pretty nostalgic for it. The 3ds was great as well, I still have mine because the library, portability and nostalgia with the ds games is awesome. Given that I got the 3ds at a time when I didn't have nearly as much to do it has gotten by far the most use but my switch is my dominant console atm especially with NH. Anyway, if I had to pick one it would have to be N3ds for having been the ultimate handheld for so long. Hard to pick just one because if you asked me yesterday or some other time I may have said the DSI.
the ones i like and think function the best, ps4 or switch. but the ones that i love the most (due to nostalgia) are probably gameboy advance and the wii!
The Super Nintendo. It was the first time I had heard about the Metroid series. It got me interested in F-Zero. I loved all the Donkey Kong Country games. DKC3 is totally underrated. Yoshi's Island was a better game than Super Mario World. But I loved all those games I mentioned.
Definitely the GameCube it has some of the best games and it was one of the first gaming consoles I actually had all to myself.
for me its probably the switch or the gamecube. GC was one my first consoles and I love the portability of the switch.

Goodness, that's a hard one! I have so many cherished memories of many a console I've had throughout my years thus far! Simply choosing one is almost as if I would be betraying so many other parts of my childhood haha

It would definitely have to boil down between the N64 and the Nintendo GameCube. Both were very precious to me filling up hundreds of hours playing them. If I could choose two, these would be it for sure ♥️
I grew up with mainly all Nintendo consoles, Gamecube, N64, SNES, Wii, Ps2 (slim) funnily enough and no one seems to have that one anymore and thinks it's weird that I do...

Favorite console has to be Gamecube for sure: Paper Mario TTYD, Animal Crossing, Kirby Air Ride, Super Smash Bros. Melee, Star Fox Assault, Sonic Adventure 2 Battle, Luigi's Mansion, Super Mario Sunshine, Mario Parties, Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles, Simpsons Hit and Run. all off the top of my head and I still play each of these games to this day.
That was just a small list though, my list is much bigger but these games in particular set my childhood for good

I spent countless hours on this console with my siblings, always playing together or waiting for your turn to play Animal Crossing while the others watched and waited haha

N64 is definitely a close second, I still have my atomic purple funtastic controller to this day, little glitchy at times but it's an old console what do I expect. Besides greatness each time I boot up Beetle adventure racing xD
The Wii, I've had a ton of memories from it when growing up. So many of my favorite games are on the Wii (including N64 titled like Majora's Mask & Ocarina of Time).
does PC count

Gonna say the 3DS! There's so many wonderful games on the console, not to mention backwards compatibility and Virtual Console. Honorable mentions are the PS2, GameCube, GBA, SNES and Switch.
Right now it’s the switch since it’s the only console I own. Before it would have to be the gameboy advance sp, spent so many hours playing harvest moon (both friends of mineral town and more friends of mineral town) and yu-gi-oh on it.
i'm like a BIG nintendo fan so I've had the most of their consoles, but I think I spent the most time on my xbox 360 growing up..? but i spent a ton of time on my DS lite too :blush:
The switch. I mostly own Nintendo games and don’t play on PS4 that much, mostly cuz the online subscription for the PS4 is suuuper expensive and my brother is always playing on it xD
Even though I have played hundreds of hours on my Switch I think there's only 1 console which has even more playtime and that's the PS2. I played a looooot of awesome games on that like GTA3 and Vice City (ok and San Andreas), TimeSplitters, the Tony Hawk's Pro Skater games, SSX3, Final Fantasy X, Kingdom Hearts and I don't know what more classics. I think I just forgot a dozen haha.
for me its probably the switch or the gamecube. GC was one my first consoles and I love the portability of the switch.

My favourite console of all time is the N64 of PS2, but I also love my switch and the 3Ds for their library of ports and games.
My favorite console of all time is definitely the 3DS but I have to say I’ve had a lot of fun with the Switch too. Back in the day my PS2 was my favorite though!