What Will Be Your Final Song As You Transition From ACNL To ACHHD?


Senior Member
Apr 9, 2012
Silver Mailbox
December Birthstone (Turquoise)
Tasty Cake
Winter Mittens
Just wanted to know if you had a song that you all have picked out yet?

I don't know what my song would be probley something slow and sad.
Just wanted to know if you had a song that you all have picked out yet?

I don't know what my song would be probley something slow and sad.

I played ACNL for 4 hours tonight. I love that game! I doubt I will ever completely quit playing ACNL, although I might suspend it for a couple of weeks.

So, instead of saying "Farewell" to ACNL, I'll be saying "See ya!"

Don't really have a song.... (smile)
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I don't quite have a final song either, but I'll definitely be playing this site for all the Animal Crossing music while designing houses sometimes! hehe
I will not ditch New Leaf just to play HHD. I'll still play both to work on my New Leaf town and make sure none of my dreamies leave.
HHD will not be replacing NL. I love my villagers and I couldn't stop playing even if I wanted to. <3
I don't play ACNL anymore, but for those who do, I see no reason at all for them to stop playing ACNL in turn for HHD
I stopped playing Animal Crossing: New Leaf because whenever I had my town set up the way I wanted, I would get a new villagfer that would mess something up majorly. I will be passing on Happy Home Designer as I do not see any reason into getting Animal Crossing spin-offs. I would rather wait for the main series Animal Crossing that will come for Wii U.
I won't stop playing ACNL whatsoever since both HHD and NL are different games.
I won't really have one, since I'm not going to stop playing AC:NL completely. Admittedly, my attention tends to focus on newer games I just got, but I always go back to play some AC:NL.
What I'm intending to do is this: I have four cartridges of "Animal Crossing: New Leaf." I'm going to set up each town's last date to be one in which a villager pings a mayor to inform him/her of a move. I will write down that town date. In real time, this will happen for me no later than this Thursday [September 24, 2015].

Once I get this out of the way, I will concentrate on "Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer." I will be buying that game on its U.S. release date, this Friday [September 25, 2015]. I'll take in the new game, see what fun I have with playing it, and my "New Leaf" towns will be protected with respect to not losing any villagers.
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