What was your most embarrassing moment??

Aug 21, 2015
September Birthstone (Sapphire)
August Birthstone (Peridot)
So I just had a total fail moment, on the forum even, I messed up my own age and somehow decided I am 22 rather than being 24. I'd like to say this is a rare occurrence but I frequently have to pause and think about the fact that I am going to be 25 in a month (hey at least I don't forget my name, so that's something) ... Which lead me to wonder about others embarrassing moments?? So share your most embarrassing moment, or moments if you wish.
i remember when i was in middle school, we had to do a presentation and i totally f'd up. It was very embarrassing ;-; i could feel my face get all red and i was talking way to fast...
i remember when i was in middle school, we had to do a presentation and i totally f'd up. It was very embarrassing ;-; i could feel my face get all red and i was talking way to fast...

I can totally relate on that one. I do a lot of public speaking and on a few occasions this has happened. I always feel super embarrassed afterwards and apologise a ton.
When I was in Year 5 my teacher said something and I expected everyone to laugh so I started laughing REALLY obnoxiously and... nobody else was laughing :B Everyone looked at me like wtf

When I went on the bus and my Oyster card was in my coat pocket, my bus is the one bus per century type. I couldn't get it out so I was standing there in a crowded bus in front of everyone struggling with the coat pocket that wouldn't open (zip was stuck) the bus driver let me through and some people were laughing o.e It sounds small but I'm sensitive af :(

When I drew a panda plant for my science class last year and my teacher was like wtf is that in front of everyone. KEEP YOUR OPINION TO YOURSELF TTwTT He eventually said "Quirky, but I'll let it through" or something like that idk

I had thousands more but can't remember any good ones right now ^^
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In 8th grade physical science class, I got up to get some papers and my teacher literally said really loud "Hey, you have no friends right?" in front of the class and everyone laughed it's partially true because I had no friends/didn't know anyone in that class but I felt really awkward because I'm a really quiet person
lol my break down thread I made not too long ago

and also my entire life is an embarrassing moment one after another.​
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So I just had a total fail moment, on the forum even, I messed up my own age and somehow decided I am 22 rather than being 24. I'd like to say this is a rare occurrence but I frequently have to pause and think about the fact that I am going to be 25 in a month (hey at least I don't forget my name, so that's something) ... Which lead me to wonder about others embarrassing moments?? So share your most embarrassing moment, or moments if you wish.

I forget and have to think about my age all the time. I kind of stopped remembering properly once I hit 18 and didn't really have any 'age milestones' left to hit (since 18 is the age you can legally do 'everything' here).
It also doesn't help that with those charity people who harass you in the streets I always say I'm 17 (since they're not allowed to harass people below 18). Since those charity people are like flys to **** and I've said it so many times now, replying with 17 to "how old are you?" is pretty much a reflex at this point.

I was buying some alcohol at a store a few months ago and when the person at the counter asked my age, I just stalled entirely and eventually said "I don't know" shortly before turning to my friend and asking "how old am I?". Needless to say, I looked somewhat suspicious. I didn't have my I.D with me either, so I ended up not getting served at all and my friend didn't either because they apparently won't serve alcohol to a group if one of you is underage. I could tell the checkout girl was obviously holding back some laughter. We had to walk for like 20 minutes to the next nearest store that was open, and I stayed outside just in case.

It was petty embarrassing since whilst I do get asked for I.D a lot, I almost always have it with me so it's no big deal. Having to walk out empty handed though made me feel like a 16 year old who thought they looked old enough to get served but didn't...
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during lunch i'd stand outside reading manga. at some point, i guess i was so into it that i didnt even hear the bell ring for the next period to start and i didnt pay attention to anyone around me either

by the time i actually looked up to do a check on whether or not there were still students around, literally everyone was already gone and headed to class. it was awkward explaining why i was late ><
i was ordering my food and i wanted 2 pretzels with cheese and mustard but i said i'll have 2 plain cheeses wih mustard