What piece of VG music never fails to give you the feels?

The Xenoblade Chronicles opening, and 'Windswept Day' from the Bravely Default soundtrack. There have literally been times when they have brought me to tears.

Strangely enough, this song, without fail, always makes me cry. Always.

oMG YES. that really gives me the feels, especially after i read a certain part of the storybook thing in the game.

also a... certain version of the love theme from mother 3 makes me wanna cry too. i'm not saying which one because it's a spoiler, but... yeah. i almost feel like crying just from thinking about it. ;-;

but if we're talking about nostalgia feels... the main theme from super smash bros. melee (specifically, the version that plays here in the opening) makes me feel really, really nostalgic. watching that opening thing does too. so many memories from my childhood aaaaaaaahhhhhhh
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"clash on the big bridge" from FFV, specifically the GBA version.. I played that game way too much back in the days and I love itttt
I adore VG music, but none of it really gives me any huge feels since I'm not that type of person. I've been really loving this track since it makes me miss ZTD a bit though.

There's another version of this song that plays in the true end credits, but despite it having more instruments I kind of prefer this version. This song just feels a bit more empty and bittersweet, which imo fits the game quite a bit.
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Secret of Mana has the most epic soundtrack of all time. I tried limiting myself to only three songs. Wasn't easy.
Two people have already posted this one, but meh. It's amazing. Play it with headphones, volume maxed, with your eyes closed.

Same with this one, actually. Amazing track.


And definitely Emotion like Aqua posted. I love the Layton games, but London 3 is easily my favorite song from all the games. Lullaby for You because when I finished The World Ends With You that was just a wonderful song to end the game with and the entire game was something special to me.