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What irks you?

I also hate when people try to influence your decisions by talking you down. I hate how certain people think you owe them an explanation for why you want to do something or for the way you live their life. You don’t have to explain yourself to anybody. It is your own decision, and you know yourself if it is a good decision. Don’t let somebody’s negativity prevent you from following your dream!

Yeah, I agree about the "i hate smokers/drug users/etc." like bruh we know you don't have to tell me every time it comes up or someone smokes or stuff... jfc

And yeah, people who refuse to understand mental/neuropsychiatric disorders like that. I've Asperger myself and honestly my parents/others thinks it's just a thing and don't get that we have different psyches than other "normals"...And yeah indeed it will never disappear.
^^^ Agreed. You don't hate smokers, you hate the drugs they use. Why would you hate someone you don't even know?

Also yes when parents can't get inside the mind of someone (like myself) with aspergers, ADD, etc and they just assume that you process things the same way as the next person but boyo it's a whole different world k
^^^ Agreed. You don't hate smokers, you hate the drugs they use. Why would you hate someone you don't even know?

Also yes when parents can't get inside the mind of someone (like myself) with aspergers, ADD, etc and they just assume that you process things the same way as the next person but boyo it's a whole different world k

Ikr, just let them smoke if they are just casuals and unless you actually work with helping drug addicts stfu really.

YES THANK YOU. You thought they'd know how to handle stuff but it's pretty annoying when you have to re-tell what it is and why you do like that etc. when they know you have Asperger as well, even more fun :^^^)
YES THANK YOU. You thought they'd know how to handle stuff but it's pretty annoying when you have to re-tell what it is and why you do like that etc. when they know you have Asperger as well, even more fun :^^^)
What's sad is my parents have known about my problems since I was in 6th-7th grade and they still don't get it ;;
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• Remembering bad moments in my life.
• Getting woken up moments after I fall asleep.
• Neighbor
• Being nervous and anxious for absolutely no reason or when I know there isn't anything to worry about.
• Neighbor
• People who belittle others and make them feel bad.
• Did I mention my Neighbor
I hate when someone turns a conversation into a conversation about themself. Even if I'm not the one they're talking to directly.
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I hate when people try to one-up you. (like if you just got a job and they say that they just became a manager)
Especially when it wasn’t your intention to show off in the first place.
- tiger/asian parents.. just stfu and back off, your kid will try their best as long as you support them on their level and don't demand too much. If they have some kind of disorder being an "asian parent" won't help at all.
This one really irritates me. I hate when you try to ask for actual advice and people respond with either “just don’t do it” or “just forget about it.” If someone is asking for advice, do not respond with “just don’t do it.” That’s terrible. People don’t owe you an explanation for their decisions. If somebody is asking for advice on moving, do not break them down and tell them they can’t or should not do it. Actually give the person real advice.

That’s what I had to deal with for the longest time. Unless they are asking if they should eat a tide pod, do not tell them they shouldn’t do it. Let me make something clear. Just because something didn’t work out for you, doesn’t mean it won’t work out for me. Just because you don’t like something, does not mean I won’t like it. Just because you let negativity take over your life doesn’t mean I have to let negativity take over mine. So if you want to do something, follow your dreams. I moved, and I’m happier now! I’m very happy. Just do not let others’ negativity affect your life.

That’s literally my biggest pet peeve. Right there. ^
Right now it's mostly just edgelords who think everyone is below them.
Also, I hate when people think I’m younger than I actually am or when people think I’m a boy. I’m not a damn boy. I can’t get too mad because I’m pretty much asking for it at this rate because I wear guy’s clothes and I have short hair. Unfortunately, it still upsets me how people are just being plain rude, or if they honestly cannot tell. If they honestly cannot tell, just use “they” instead of assuming my gender and using “him.” It isn’t too difficult to tell that I’m a girl, though. It really isn’t, and I’m not sure why some people are unable to tell if I’m a girl.
Honestly I don't give a hoot what pronouns people use for me, really. Most people online seem to think I'm a him or they and honestly even though I'm actually an old lady I just think it's amusing.. but then yeah I'm not girly at all other than maybe my hair. I think people need to chill and if they are bothered by the wrong one, just kindly correct people til they learn... even though it sounds annoying but yeah if you just get angry af and think they are lower human beings for either assuming, or actually asking(yes I've met those people when you actually bother to ask and they throw a rage) they are not gonna bother just saying.

Like, some people are on way too high horses and edges sometimes about this.
I really hate how people misinterpreted things, usually in video games.

People who bring up the same stupid reply about something that makes them uncomfortable (usually something really stupid) after someone or many other people already said it, usually on the internet. 'Um, this why God doesn't talk to us anymore'

Like I get it, you don't like it.
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I really hate how people misinterpreted things, usually in video games.

People who bring up the same stupid reply about something that makes them uncomfortable (usually something really stupid) after someone or many other people already said it, usually on the internet. 'Um, this why God doesn't talk to us anymore'

Like I get it, you don't like it.

yeah or post the same meme every time and even though being ironic/sarcastic they are like "lol best cursed" or stuff sigh.

also when people yell CULTURAL APPROPRIATION just because you wear something african, japanese, native american etc. As long as you don't wear cheap chain-made clothes/masquerade costumes or stuff and show respect to the people/nations I don't get it why people are so angry.. Or people actually are dumb enough to wear cheap stuff from some soggy store and walks around in it, idk.
For some reason sighing irks me. It's not a strong hatred or anything but there is a good chance that sighing is going to annoy me a little. It's especially bad if a person keeps sighing because I kindly asked them to help me with something - yeah I get it, I think I'll just ask someone else.
For some reason sighing irks me. It's not a strong hatred or anything but there is a good chance that sighing is going to annoy me a little. It's especially bad if a person keeps sighing because I kindly asked them to help me with something - yeah I get it, I think I'll just ask someone else.

What if it’s two people sighing while in love? Would two other people annoy you like that? I’m just curious now. Lmao
People who claims they love their family so much and thinks they are the most perfect when they might have done something really bad.

No you don't have to love them, and no they are not gods who can't be weong smfh