What Do You Look Like?

Kippers...your a genius.

XD You sure? Arigatou :>

insecurity detectors going through the roof
none of you are ugly!

Ahaha i was thinking this. I think I'm ugly and a lot of other people think they are ugly but they aren't so maybe I'm not?

I haven't actually seen a bad-looking person on this thread yet. Animal Crossing apparently has a very attractive fanbase.

So I'm not ugly then? :X
Alright ladies (and Justin) contain yourselves.

I hate having to wear glasses >_< I seriously do not look cute and I certainly am ugly, thats for sure!

Glasses are super attractive! I switch between glasses and contacts :) If you're uncomfortable with them you can always get contacts.

I haven't actually seen a bad-looking person on this thread yet. Animal Crossing apparently has a very attractive fanbase.

Agreed. Everyone here is ridiculously good lookin'
I hate having to wear glasses >_< I seriously do not look cute and I certainly am ugly, thats for sure!

You're not ugly at all :) I think you're cute.
And after looking through everyone's pics so far, I can say that no one on here is ugly at all.

I hated wearing glasses for a really long time as well. I tried getting contacts but I sat in the doctor's office for like an hour just trying to get them in and I couldn't ._. I would get really close and then I would blink before they would actually get on my eye. I never tried again after than and I don't really intend to either, lol.
Now my glasses are just a part of how I see myself and I think I look weird without them instead of bad with them.
Hopefully you'll either be able to get contacts or start liking how you look with glasses (and without). You really don't look as bad as you might think you do :)