What do you guys think of Valorant?


stan loona
Apr 21, 2020
Yellow Cosmos
I know this is late but I only got the idea now. I'd like to know what you guys think about the game because my friends have super mixed feelings about it, some hate it, some love it. I think it's fun but I've only been able to play one game so I can't really form an opinion lolll
Mixeeedd, I like Spike Rush but other than that the game's too long lol

Plus they need more agents and the skins should be cheaper
I haven't actually played it, but... I have to say, the mix of fantasy-inspired games and more realistic games like Counter-Strike is a very fascinating creative choice that's brimming with potential. I just don't think it was done in a particularly interesting way.
I haven’t played it myself but I thought that it looked like an attempt to cash in on the genre and hype. It doesn’t look particularly appealing to me unfortunately!
I've watched a lot of people play it on streams and you tube videos, and while the idea of refreshing the classic CSGO format with abilities sounds good, I don't think it ended up being that great. As janeying said above, it also just looks like a quick cash grab, because the format and the concept of skins/cartoon like graphics is just so popular nowadays. While I know a lot of people are playing it currently, I personally feel that in a few months it'll lose it's massive popularity and start to drop off again, just like apex legends did when they first came out. By then, people will most likely all just go back to the tried and tested CSGO.

TLDR; It's a cash grab, and if the format aint broke, then don't try to fix it.
I've been playing it a bit since release and think it's fine. Granted I've never played CSGO, so I don't have anything to compare it to.
Artistically, a lot of the game feels 'unfinished', and this is such a strange thing considering how incredible Riot's art team is. Every single character shares the same animations, there is only one asset for stab marks, Jett literally does not have a float animation, just to name a few observations. Maybe this is me just being bad at the game but abilities feel very secondary, considering that this game is supposed to stand out amongst competitors with abilities.
Personally I would have enjoyed the game a lot more if it were Overwatch characters with CSGO rules, but otherwise the game is...fine?
Its a fun game but people always make weird comments towards me :/ Its either flirty or asking me how much I would need to be payed to eat a dog