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What do you give your villagers for their birthday?

it depends on how organised i am lmao, as well as if I'm planning on selling the villager on or not. generally i give them some nice clothing or something if i'm prepared enough, if not then fruit it is aha
there is a site called nook plaza and it has a page where you type in the villager name and it shows you wearable items they would like. I use this site to pick a gift for them. i look for something i think would look good on them and that i have in my inventory or catalog so i can order it. then wrap it and hand it over.
I have an app on my phone called Planner for AC:NH (That's how its spelled. I have an android, idk about iphones). And there is a section called 'gift guide' where it shows you what kind of clothing a villager would like. So I usually gift my villagers clothing for their birthdays and don't have to worry about weather they will like it or not thanks to the app 😂

But if I'm being lazy it will be a piece of fruit, not going to lie....
I gave Ankha a gold King Tut mask and my other character gave her a golden flower wreath. Usually I give them clothes in the color and style they prefer. I try to avoid furniture although I did give Diva a wooden block bookcase to go with her other wooden block furniture.
Nothing because I didn’t realize something like fruits or coconuts worked for not putting stuff out :oops: guess I’ll work with this now.

This fear is mostly because back when I gave Zell a blue pansy on his, he put it on his floor when he has a perfectly good table.

I did give Dom a Switch lite this year because he’s my only starter so I’ve been messing with his house anyway. It also made it to the floor, onto a rattan table, onto his main table and then disappeared when one of his other small items should have been replaced first >.>
I've been cheating a little by using a game guide that explains the favorite colors/ themes of the villagers. I reference that, like for Bob he likes red things and colorful things. When their birthday comes around I first go look in Nook's Cranny since it's preferable to not order it (since sometimes I'm doing this the day of lol, but I usually try to get it earlier). If there's nothing there or in my inventory I'll order something from my catalog that fits the description. Then I wrap it. I love giving them presents! It makes me happy to put effort into it. Usually it works out pretty well lol.
Usually just a piece of fruit with a full inventory so I can get their photos faster heh. Otherwise, I'll get them a wrapped clothing item I think they'd look good in or a furniture item that would look nice in their house.
I give them something in their favorite color or style. I gave Megan a yellow Labelle hat and I gave Dom a pink muscle shirt.
I search on the internet clothing items that a certain villager would like and then wrap it to give it to them

Sometimes they don't even use it tho :/
I came here to say wrapped fruit. I mean, they always at least pretend to love it.
if i dont really like their house ill give them furniture or clothing but if its already perfectly decorated, i'll give them fruit.
i usually just give them clothing everyday so on birthdays i like to give them furniture that i think they'd really like + would match their house interiors
I usually give clothing when I'm gifting to my villagers in general, and birthdays are no exception. Usually I try to get them presents in advance but I'll admit I've done some panicked sifting through my storage trying to find a last minute gift. I dont mind giving furniture if it fits, and even then I've given some UUUGLY furniture to my villagers. I just don't really care abt how interiors look.