What are your weirdest dreams?


Sep 10, 2015
Green Candy
Yellow Candy
Tasty Cake
I just had a dream yesterday that Putin was the president of Italy. And I once had a dream that I was in Pakistan and my cousins for some reason lived there and there were a lot of grape vines, I have lots of weird dreams.
I tend to have a lot of vivid and interesting dreams. The most interesting one so far is one

Long story short, everyone went to school, some knowing that their lives would end and some did not. Everyone died and we all went to the underworld. I died at the same time as this female friend of mine and we floated in the air until we landed in a castle. Apparently we got married because i has a ring on my finger and we were heading towards our wedding (im straight so this was really weird). My dad was at the banquet in the castle congratulating us on our marriage. Some friends passed by and there was this guy I really hated in elementary school. He threw a pencil at me and I got angry so I threw a water bottle at him but he dodged and it bounced off a fat guys belly. The fat guy got really sad and pulled down the fire alarm in a heartbeat and everyone had to evacuate

Tldr; my school was a gas chamber, and even though some were suspicious about it, we had to go in. Everyone does and go to the underworld to celebrate my LGBT marriage. I see my childhood ennemi & we fight. A fat guy pulls the fire alarm & we evacuate even though we're technically already dead
Not very odd but I dreamed that I was in a McDonalds in Berlin / New York at 4AM and talking to the cashier... I don't remember what she was saying but I'd probably forget this dream in a couple of days if I didn't type it down.
I have tons of really weird dreams, case and point I had a dream tonight that me and a group of people were in this cave we had hiked to and there was this whirl pool that went down through the rock beneath a little pond thing, we felt and it was large enough to fit through and apparently there were legends that it led to a secret treasure trove beneath and then these two other guys showed up and were trying to convince the people in my group to go in and we were wary because it could drown us or lead to a long fall that we'd die from and they kept convincing people to go through and one girl in our group went in and we were trying to call through the water but it was loud and so we were putting our arms through to try to feel for her and then we sent down a rope and we couldn't get through to her so a guy from the group went down to go try to save her and he climbed the rope but once he left view we tried pulling the rope but he was no longer on it. It was just me and one other person, and the two random guys now and they kept trying to make us go through and we were trying to get them to go through if they wanted to and then ended up forcing the other girl who was in my group through and they were trying to force me and I like beat them up and they were weird alien things. And they like died? So I was alone in this cave and I wanted to save my friends and so I crept down the rope and under the whirl pool it was dry and was another cave and it was pitch dark and I could hear things moving around and then I woke up...
The other day I had a dream I was in Bhutan and it was weird because in the same city there were Bhutanese looking buildings, another area looked like a Mongolian slum and in the slum there was a giant American looking wooden mansion. And in my dream about my cousins living in Pakistan, me, my mom, and my sister went to visit them and for some reason they lived in a small peaceful town called San Hernandez (yes a town with Spanish words in its name was a town in Pakistan I don't know why) and it was in northern Pakistan in the mountains, it was north east of Islamabad and for some reason there were lots of wine vineyards and I ate a green apple. All of my dreams are weird.
All of my dreams are weird, and I regularly lucid dream so I'm not going to write down the super weirdest dreams ive had bc it would be a lot

the most recent dream i had was a couple days ago. My boyfriend, his friend, and this old, rich Russian guy were in a little kitchen cooking something. The evil Russian guy kidnapped my boyfriend, shrunk him and put him in a baggie/jar full of liquid sleeping medicine and held him for ransom. Bc I'm a broke college student and have no money I was at a loss of what to do, and I followed the guy around all through this mall, where he came to a backroom in one area and locked it. I got a few people to scream with me "Let him go" over and over, and he only opened the door for me when I said I'd give him 500,000 dollars-- I started off with 100,000, then 200,000 and so on, and he only opened once I said 500,000. I was thinking oh god, I actually don't have this kind of money. I'll just have forget about my debt to my college, and focus all on my debt to him!
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Piplups and Mount Everest team up to take over a black hole in the center of Lavender Town.
Ima bump this thread since I just had a p weird dream last night. Actually I had 2 weird dreams.

So the first one was where I was traveling with my family and some other relatives to whatever place, and we kinda did some sightseeing and stopped in a few stores along the way. Well we happened to go into a place that's kind of like an antique store but it had some newer stuff too. Those of you who know me, know that I always scout for very specific things in general stores (peace signs, tie dye/rainbow, records, VWs, Super Mario, Star Trek, etc). Well I figured this would happen after TOMFG asked me that very interesting question on my Ask Me thread last night :)rolleyes:) but I happened to find an 8" tall, ceramic statue of Waluigi playing a guitar. Ofc I was like OMG I NEED THISSSS and I checked the price tag and it said $30, so I proceeded to scrounge around for money to buy it. Honestly I don't remember if I bought it or not. I hope I did... that'd be so fabulous omg xDD

The next dream I had was that, for some reason, I was with a group of people I was with in 8th grade, in college. We were in some kind of detention room, and it was in a room in the library, so since I work there my boss wanted me to watch them. It was pretty interesting and funny at first, but then this thing appeared by the door, stuck to the wall. Whenever it would capture some kind of loud noise, it itself would make a super loud noise. It actually really scared me, and it went off quite a few times because we just couldn't be quiet. Eventually the others managed to sit still and be quiet, but I told them I was getting out of there because I couldn't handle the noise.
So eventually the others started to follow me back to my room, and then my boss found us hanging out in my room. She was crying for some reason, and I just told her that the noise that thing was making scared me and the others, and she got upset with us, basically trying to put me on a guilt trip for letting them get out of detention and whatnot.

I actually dream very rarely, but when I do it's super weird.
i have so many weird, fever dreams. flashing colours, blaring music and bright lights. i've also had a dream within a dream within a dream within a dream within a dream. i also find the "oh, i remember that happened" when it didn't ever happen and it's only a memory in your dream incredibly weird.
i once dreamed an alien tricked me into killing my brother and i tried to frame it as a burglary and was paranoid people would find out i did it and think i was insane, i was getting away with it but one detective i knew strongly suspected me but i woke up before he could catch me...
I constantly have weird dreams about one of my managers at work that is extremely strict and picky about everything, I would guess it's because of severe anxiety I get while around her, lol. The dreams include me trying to be friends with her or impress her (which I don't actually do.. lol) so it's really odd to see her in my dreams since I never even want to make eye contact with her. The dreams honestly are disturbing so I'd rather not say, I hate her with every fiber of my being but she always appears in my dreams. It's the weirdest thing.

I also have dreams about relatives I don't get along with too. So I guess my brain likes to constantly remind me of the horrible/annoying people in my life lol
Almost all my dreams are weird.

1. I already dreamed that I gave a bath to Robert Downey Jr...considering that I don't care about baths or Downey nor watch his movies. It's definitely weird.

2. I also dreamed that I missed my appointment to the dentist, and the dentist was Trump who was ready to send the army after me because of that... o_O
So far most weirdest was meeting someone in a dream whomst I had never met, 2 months later and I meet them in real life at the start of my Freshman Year. D:
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i had a dream where i was kidnapped and slowly murdered by a vampire rockstar. like, he was having a show and between songs he’d go backstage and stab me or whatever ):
I don't remember my dreams often, but when I do they are always weird. One time I dreamed there was a floating battle arena above my driveway.

Another time I dreamed I was being chased by pirates through their ship. As I was running through the ship I saw a gift shop. I ran in the gift shop and knocked over a giant container of marbles. The pirates started slipping on them and I was able to escape their ship and swim away. I get chased a lot by random people / things in my dreams.
Let's just say that dreams are supposed to be weird. Dreams are the king of abstract I guess.
Last night I dreamt that a bear was chasing a friend of mine and me through some half-forest, half-futuristic town like place. We hid in what looked like a laundromat and the bear went past us. Then inexplicably, the perspective shifted to the sky. It looked like three North Koreas planes were trying to nuke the town but the Air Force took out the planes, and a bunch of my other friends were there cheering and dancing. It was weird but kind of cool lmao.

I've had a lot of dreams where I'm either falling, or being chased, or doing something monumental. It's a strange mixture :p
My weirdest was probably the time, as a kid, I dreamt these vampire/cannibal creatures shrunk me and my friends down in a giant pot then ate us. I also had another weird dream of being chased through a bunch of doors (like in scooby-doo) by a sasquatch/yeti thing. Kid me was afraid of monsters so ofc my dreams were filled with them lol

My weirdest dream in adult life is very vague because I don't remember it really. But it's reoccurring and I have this sense of either chasing something or running from something, I can never tell which. I always wake up with my arms curled and moving in the air like how a dog runs in their sleep. It's like I'm running on all fours in the dream, it's really weird.
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I once dreamed that Michael Jackson had been kidnapped and a bunch of us were going to find him. We were looking for him in a abandoned garage complex (?) i guess. I was the one who found him. He was tied to a chair. Ok, here the weird part. I didn't free him. Instead I started pulling of some crazy Michael Jackson dance moves in front of him.
