What are your personal rules for yourself in ACNL and why?


Junior Member
Sep 30, 2014
What are your personal rules for yourself in ACNL and why?

My personal rules for myself in ACNL is that I will not time travel, no matter what. c: I plan on sticking with real life time, because on my previous town (that is now deleted), I would time travel all the time, but it ruined the intended Animal Crossing experience for me, so I restarted and decided to play without messing with the clock..honestly, time traveling becomes more and more tempting for me, since days go by so slow and I just wanna play for hours and hours..but I must not! D: Even though I do not time travel, I'm not against anyone who does. ^_^

Although I do not time travel, I admit that I do not play completely legit.. ;-; I do allow myself to obtain duped items. I don't dupe them myself, though; my friend dupes items for me! I know it's cheating, but personally for me the game doesn't become boring or ruined if I obtain duped items. I set a limit for myself when it comes to that kind of stuff, though. I only obtain cloned royal crowns for money. ouo I'm not really into obtaining cloned rare/exclusive items. I just want to be rich so that I can complete my town with PWPs and a fully upgraded house. :3

~ Don't forget that everyone's personal rules/limits that they set for themselves is different! I would very appreciate it if no one insulted or shamed anyone because of their views and opinions on this topic! Please respect others! Thank you! ~
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Rules as in something you vowed/promised yourself you would do/not do. ~

Oh ok, thank you!

Uhh, I don't have much so...

1. Don't time travel, I tt'd a lot in my past towns and it was embarrassing now that I look back.
2. ALWAYS play on Holidays (the "major" ones like Christmas and Thanksgiving), I enjoy the holidays

That's all, I'm pretty sure
I also don't like to TT much for the same reason. I mean, there are times I'll TT, like if I know I'm going to be busy on the day when I'll need to reset for a villager. Also, I don't really like buying villagers. Maybe I will for my last dreamie, but for now, I'd rather just stick to getting original villagers. An obvious one is to never run. Grass deterioration is a b****

Lastly, I guess...make the town my own? Remind myself not to get pressured into putting down all these perfect paths like everyone else does. Maybe I'll get to doing that once my whole town is settled.
Oh ok, thank you!

Uhh, I don't have much so...

1. Don't time travel, I tt'd a lot in my past towns and it was embarrassing now that I look back.
2. ALWAYS play on Holidays (the "major" ones like Christmas and Thanksgiving), I enjoy the holidays

That's all, I'm pretty sure

Yeah, playing on Holidays is pretty fun. :D

- - - Post Merge - - -

An obvious one is to never run. Grass deterioration is a b****

I agree! I don't run on my own grass or other's for that same reason too; it's just rude to do that to other's towns and also I hate it when people visit my town and run on mine. ;-; Running on grass is a big no-no for me
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I won't time travel to make things go faster or get items and bells. The only times I'll time travel are if I miss an event because I was too busy celebrating that holiday in the real world, which is often the case for the big holidays because I will usually celebrate with both my family and my boyfriend's which can take all day. I will also time travel back if I've not been able to play for a few days to stop any villagers from moving out.

I also find it more fun to experience the game in real time but I don't feel bad about occasionally time travelling so that I don't miss out on anything in the game because of real world commitments and vice versa.

As for duped items, I will not dupe, nor ask my friends to do it for me, but I won't go out of my way to make sure any items/bells I get from other players in trades or gifts are legitimate. It doesn't make that much difference to me. I will accept all gifts of items given to me by friends but I've never accepted large amounts of bells because I feel like not earning my wealth myself ruins the experience for me.
I guess when I was getting my villagers said I would get them all from the campsite. And I did, except for Walt because I was really sick of campsite resetting at that point. Beyond that I'm not sure if I have any other self-imposed rules or standards.
+ check in daily with everyone.
+ never ever let go of Gaston ever
+ don't spend all my bells

I'm really lenient with myself, as I have no grass, and flowers just- spring up. Kinda excited for winter, honestly.
Not sure if I'd call it a rule, but I don't 'cheat' (idk if that's a fair term since I do TT at my own convenience and some people consider that cheating lol). But abusing glitches or using an external device on my game would take away the enjoyment for me, and so I don't do that.

I also NEVER run on my grass (anymore :p).

OH I do have a rule actually, and that is I don't follow people around my town. Even when I'm tempted (e.g. I don't know the person, they have no ratings, etc) I let people show themselves around unless they specifically came over to do something with me. haha But if they're there for sigs/picking up a villager, or ask to look around I give them free reign to explore. I'd get too stressed trying to shadow everybody who came and even if someone did one day decide to take advantage of my trust everything I have can be replaced.
I never TT ahead. I'll go back maybe if I miss something, or if I don't play for a while and want to catch up, but never ahead of the real-life current date.
I'm pretty lenient with how I play, the only thing I make sure not to do is run too much so my grass doesn't die everywhere.
I always donate new catches to the museum before selling them or keeping them for myself, no matter what. This rule comes from the Gamecube, where I would become greedy and sell rare fish for bells instead of giving them to Blathers. The lack of completion bothered me. I really want to work hard to earn 100% completion in New Leaf!

That's the only rule I can think of that I follow to the letter. I have a "rule" where I buy every item not in my catalogue when it appears, but sometimes I just don't feel like it. I have a "rule" where I respond to villagers the way I would respond in real life, but sometimes I'm curious about the outcomes of other dialogue options. I have a "rule" that I don't run through flowers, but sometimes I just plain don't care. (Less so with hybrids, but since I have a pink rose plague spreading through my town like zombie virus, I really don't care that much if I lose a few, haha.) I also tell myself to pay off my debt before depositing in my bank, but sometimes I don't follow that rule.

I have a lot of things that I generally do/don't do, but they aren't really rules, just more routine. I have a very laid-back style of play. I just do what I feel like doing. The game for me is just meant to be fun and relaxing, a leisure time kinda thing, not a chore or project or obligation.
I always donate new catches to the museum before selling them or keeping them for myself, no matter what. This rule comes from the Gamecube, where I would become greedy and sell rare fish for bells instead of giving them to Blathers. The lack of completion bothered me. I really want to work hard to earn 100% completion in New Leaf!

Wow, I can't believe I completely forgot about that! I do the same thing too and for the same reason. :eek:
I never TT. It takes the excitement from my game. One time I lost an auction to Ankha because I refused to TT a few hours to the next day and just adopted Tangy.

I also try not to run even in my paths. I dont know why.

I buy everything in stores too.. sell useless clothes and give to villagers extra furniture. and coordinate which furniture goes to which villager so that their houses dont get screwed up.

i also plant a little garden around a villagers house. red roses to signify that I love them a lot. white roses if i like them. yellow if i plan in booting them
I never TT ahead. I'll time travel backwards to catch an event I might have missed, though.
I also always keep my clock 2 hours behind real time. It's something I've done since the Gamecube game. I don't really know why, but it just doesn't feel right when I play at the proper time now.
I think I only really had to make rules for myself when I joined the forums.

I can't buy/trade for/otherwise obtain any villager that I plan on keeping for myself. All of them have to come from one of my towns. I did buy/trade for a couple villagers for friends, though, as those benefit other people.

I don't enter giveaways, I don't ask for freebies. I make buying threads and offer what I think are reasonable or competitive prices for items. And if someone wants to give me something for free there, then that's cool.

I don't dupe or use powersaves or cheats.

Otherwise, I play however gets me to my ingame goals. Mostly I just have these rules to stop the game from being too easy. If it's too easy, it stops being interesting.
I have a rule to write to my villagers once a week! I used to write every day until I got my gold badge last year, and ever since then I'll drop then a line weekly to let them all know what's up :-D I also make sure I order them a special present for their birthdays and go to their parties. In regards to wifi rules, I follow a simple one: treat others how you wish to be treated yourself.

Other than that, I play however I feel! I don't TT very often, mostly to get the post to arrive if I've ordered something and I'm impatient ;-)
OK my rules:

Never spend all my bells! Put them in the bank and used them little by little!

Never run

Never cheat

Never scam anyone no matter what

Never be mean

Hide hybrids on the be... Opps! Not going to say where they are! Because you could steal em!
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