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What are you doing on the 14th?

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I plan on hiding in a dark corner. You know; the usual.

Seriously though, I have no clue.
I will be going to class, then working at Target from 3:00PM to 7:00PM. I'll be sure to count how many people complain to me about our poor selection of Valentine's Day merchandise, which was actually a lot of stuff but they waited until the last minute...
I'll be going to my boyfriend's for dinner, I've bought him some chocolates (Actually my mum bought them, but that because every time this week I'm going to the shops my boyfriend will be there) and our college is serving a special Valentine's lunch!
Sit in the corner of my house
Probably make another video with Jeremy and Sock.

No, not that kind of video.
Going out with a group of my single friends after work.
I actually like Valentine's Day, but I'm on this independence kick, so I've been on a break from dating for about 6 months now and truly enjoying single life.
I'll definitely celebrate it in the future once I eventually settle down ;p
I'm thinking I will possibly:
A) print a black and white picture of a random old lady and tape her onto my chest
B) make cookies and hand them out to random girls, seeing how they respond
C) plan domination over the world
D) (definitely doing this either way) wear my white jeans and red v-neck, looking as color appropriate as possible for the day
Nothing. I don't really celebrate Valentines Day. Hmm... but, I did make this.

TBT VD.jpg
Valentine's day isn't such a big deal here in Finland and I'm sure most people here don't even know it's the 14th.

My boyfriend is in military service right now so I'm not gonna see him then. He comes home on the 15th for the weekend but I don't think we're gonna do anything special since he's not very romantic guy. It's okay, I've gotten used to it. The main think is that I finally get to be with him for a few days.

On valentine's day my schools oldest students, me included, are going to celebrate that our school ends now so we dress up and throw some candy at younger students. My school's theme this year is horror, so I'm gonna be a vampire on valentine's!
My fianc?e is away in afghan for the next 13 days then he's home so in going for a romantic lunch with my best friend ^.^
I'm thinking I will possibly:
A) print a black and white picture of a random old lady and tape her onto my chest
B) make cookies and hand them out to random girls, seeing how they respond
C) plan domination over the world
D) (definitely doing this either way) wear my white jeans and red v-neck, looking as color appropriate as possible for the day

Ahaha would you really do those?!
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