Well that's disappointing


Ogres Are Like Onions
Aug 21, 2013
Fair Pinwheel
Blue Candy
Green Candy
Red Candy
Dusty Scroll
Ancient Lantern
Yellow Candy
Chocolate Cake
Orange (Fruit)
Just really a thread to apologise to some of you. I had arranged to trade villagers with a couple of people and, as of a couple of days ago, my game save corrupted. Was totally my fault, I decided it'd be a good idea to save while the DS was flashing red because I didn't want to lose my progress, and it shut down half way through saving. I knew it was stupid and did it anyway, so really it was my fault and I hold myself fully accountable. I just really wanted to apologise to some of you who I've let down by not being able to trade with you. I haven't been online much because I haven't really known what to do with myself. I was thinking about resetting anyway, but when the choice is taken away from you, you still don't really know what to do.

I will be making a new town and will continue to play and am looking forward to a brand new start with a town I'm going to love, I just wish I could have fulfilled all of my promises to everyone. I'm sorry for that <3
That's too bad that your game got corrupted in that way. Hopefully your new town is something you really love!

I generally try to get my 3DS charging as soon as the red light turns on (before it starts blinking) or at least I'll save before then. Last night though I actually kept playing until it started blinking. It didn't actually take that long until it got to blinking. Maybe 10 minutes or so. I was surprised!
I'm so sorry to hear that, kerryelizabeth. I have a similar worry, but it is nowhere near the outcome you have had. :(
I know you'll love your new town and I'm sure everyone will understand. Good luck.
It's okay. We're a community, and we all understand. It's okay. I wish you luck on your new town, and considering your villagers, I really really feel bad for you.
It's okay. We're a community, and we all understand. It's okay. I wish you luck on your new town, and considering your villagers, I really really feel bad for you.

Lol yeah I think that's the thing that's the most upsetting. It's going to take SO long to get my villagers back. Ah well. Thanks everyone for the luck ^_^ I'm quite looking forward to the fresh start, regardless
Oh, I see you had two of my "dreamies" in that I want them! (I'm new to this!)
I am sure you'll get them back.
I've been playing all day cautiously trying to see who will plan to leave my village so I can give someone else THEIR 2 dreamies and I haven't found out a blasted thing. :(
Sorry for that small rant. I can't help but feel your misery even if it is in a much smaller way. *hugs*
At least we understand how it became corrupted. Several messages have been appearing on the forum so everyone is cautious. Look at the bright side, there's every chance of getting the right villagers now.

Off topic question, how long did the red light keep flashing before it shut down?
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At least we understand how it became corrupted. Several messages have been appearing on the forum so everyone is cautious. Look at the bright side, there's every chance of getting the right villagers now.

Off topic question, how long did the red light keep flashing before it shut down?

It wasn't very long at all. Between five and ten minutes, I'd say, but alas, being out I couldn't charge it so tried to slide a super quick save in. But yeah between five and ten minutes.
Aww.. Good luck with your new town... And it's ok... We all make mistakes...
I've made a save before when my red light was flashing not knowing that I could have lost everything. I'd say mine flashed for less than five minutes. I'm pretty sure it shut down at about 3 min.
Oh gosh Kerry I'm so sorry. Your town was amazing too and you put a lot of work into it. I wish you all the best in restarting, it can be painful but sometimes fun to start with a clean slate.

Good luck!
Bless you, honey. All of your hard work is lost... :(

I might not have many, but please, if you need any flowers, let me know. Same with fruit, bells and clothes. I'm SO sorry this happened to you! You're a kind person, as well, so I truly feel sorry that this happened to you of all people. > _ <
Noo I'm sorry to hear this happened :c

If you need any help starting up, be it furniture, tools, flowers, saplings etc. I'd be more than happy to help. I'll also help you get some of your dreamies if you want<3
Oooh that sucks D:
Well at least you wanted to reset, it isn't as bad as if you wanted to keep that town forever
Aww, sorry to hear that :(
I'm sure everyone here (me included) is willing to help out with tools or anything else you may need to get started again :)
If you do need tools and stuff, just PM me and I can get you some tools straight away (some silvers too ;))
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Thank you so much everyone for being so friendly and helpful about all of this. I'm really touched by it :) I'll be sure to PM those of you who said you'd help if I do need it :)
I'm sorry to hear that Kerry D: If you need fruit, tools, hybrids or bells I can help you out :3 I still need to pay you back for Zucker! xD
Omg I'm literally turning red and feeling hot right now. I know exactly how you feel right when that happened. I'm so sorry =(
All my friends referred me to this post, knowing that you were my partner at one point. I was completely shocked to hear about it. First my friend All1cat restarts her town, now I hear about this. It made me wonder if I was next to have my town destroyed. I know that I have 900 hours put into this game, I'd sell my game if this happened to me. Oh and you can have my 3DS while you're at it :3

Kerry I've been thinking about you lately o:
I keep thinking of how I'm missing out on such a good friend. I can't believe we dun talk anymore :3
I want to make up for what I've done to you, by supporting you all the way. I'm going to devote myself to helping you with your new town. I'll order you as much items as you want <3
I mean it, I'm going to spoil you like super hardcore ^_^

I really care about you, Kerry. I want to help you in times of need, please accept my friendship D:
Bless you, honey. All of your hard work is lost... :(

I might not have many, but please, if you need any flowers, let me know. Same with fruit, bells and clothes. I'm SO sorry this happened to you! You're a kind person, as well, so I truly feel sorry that this happened to you of all people. > _ <

Same here. Also let me know if I have any of your dreamies, and s/he is yours. Consider it a "seed" dreamie. =}