• The Bell Tree Fair 2024's closing ceremony is finally here! Event results, TBTer drawings, collectible reveal, quiz answers, art, stories, raffles, and more. You can find the six-part thread in the Bulletin Board! Thank you, everyone, for making our TBT birthday celebration so special!



Nov 16, 2008
Throwback Tickets
Weird Doll
yoooo what do yall think bout this ****? ww3?

The United States has launched 50 Tomahawk cruise missiles against Syrian government targets in retaliation for what the Trump administration charges was a Syrian government chemical weapons attack that killed scores of civilians, a US official says.

The targets hit from US ships in the Mediterranean Sea included the air base in the central city of Homs from which the Syrian aircraft staged Tuesday's chemical weapons attack, the US official told Reuters, speaking on condition of anonymity.

Trump said the strike on Syria was in the "vital national security interest" of the United States.


im just here smokin, chillin in my corner of the world. sucks people are going to die on boths sides of whatever this is going to be
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If Kira was still alive, war would be a thing of the past ...

Do we honestly need to force a conflict with other countries? We don't need WW3 to happen. Right now I'm in the dark about most of this mistle thing Trump did so I have to read more about it.
Russia took a chunk of Ukraine, there is no WW3 coming between Russia and America.

Trump warned Russians ahead of time that they were bombing Syria.

Most likely Trump is going to pressure Putin into telling Assad to either step down or piss off.

Trump's opinion on Assad changed entirely once he had learned of the chemical attack. Trump didn't want this either, but whatever here we are.

Do I want Assad or an American backed monarch in power? **** no. But the middle east cannot be saved by western intervention, only they can change themselves.
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We need to get trump out of power before he causes ww3.

- - - Post Merge - - -

Russia took a chunk of Ukraine, there is no WW3 coming between Russia and America.

Trump warned Russians ahead of time that they were bombing Syria.

Most likely Trump is going to pressure Putin into telling Assad to either step down or piss off.

Trump's opinion on Assad changed entirely once he had learned of the chemical attack. Trump didn't want this either, but whatever here we are.

Do I want Assad or an American backed monarch in power? **** no. But the middle east cannot be saved by western intervention, only they can change themselves.

Yeah exactly. That is why we need to stop getting into their business. It only makes things worse for everyone. Like great cause America can't seem to mind its business for once, now we risk being a part of a pointless war. Just great.
What I think about this cluster**** isn't fit to print. That said, this is not - yet - the start of WW3. If any current politician could trigger it, it is certainly Trump. But so far he has not done so.

In all of human history, with the uncountable number of wars that have occurred, we have had precisely 2 wars that involved so many countries - and bodies - that they can rightly be called *World* Wars. I very much hope to never see a WW3 in my lifetime. Or anyone else's.

War is bad. Always. But world war - even *before* nuclear weapon proliferation - is most literally armageddon. Society as people knew it ends.

There's nothing to be happy about with this situation. But I am glad to see such robust reporting of events taking place worldwide.

this is just a measured response and message to assad that using chemical weapons, especially on your own citizens, will not be tolerated. to be honest, while the final decision was trump's, this action was most likely presented to him by mcmasters and mattis.
i doubt it will lead to ww3, but a war between syria and america would be a good patriotism stunt for trump.
this is just a measured response and message to assad that using chemical weapons, especially on your own citizens, will not be tolerated. to be honest, while the final decision was trump's, this action was most likely presented to him by mcmasters and mattis.

It's not our job to send a message and Trump specifically promised that we would mind our OWN country's business and put ourselves first and not bother with issues in other countries. Here we are, and his approval rating is %34.
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It's not our job to send a message and Trump specifically promised that we would mind our OWN country's business and put ourselves first and not bother with issues in other countries. Here we are, and his approval rating is %34.

it's good for everyone, america and its allies included, to send a message that use of chemical weapons will be met with force. deterrence against chemical weapons is an issue with global security implications. when obama threatened assad with the red line, and then did nothing when the red line was crossed, it set a precedent that you can get away with use of NBC weapons
What President Trump did was completely idiotic. What's happening in Syria is none of the United State's business, but for some reason or another, President Trump decided, "Hey, let's launch 50 missiles at something that didn't involve us at all!" We weren't provoked, attacked, or slandered, so there was absolutely no need for it. I wonder how ANYONE could think that the solution to the death of many innocent people is to kill even more innocent people. President Trump should just mind his own business and quit involving himself where he isn't needed.
What is it good for?
Absolutely nothing.
Say it again!

War is so pointless. It literally does no good at all. It's all money driven from the get go and killing each other over money is the stupidest thing ever.
I'm not happy about this but Im happy Russia was warned and there were few casualties. I hope this doesnt escalate too much further.
War is not completely pointless.. if a country is using chemical warfare that violates the Geneva Protocol, absolutely something should be done about it. Ideally, something should be done if a country is making slaves of their people, brainwashing them and treating them like dirt cough cough North Korea cough cough. You shouldn't always just sit back and do nothing.
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As much as you guys don't like Trump, I can explain what's really to blame for what's going on. It is the United Nations that started it all. Yes, I know the US created the UN over 70 years ago, but they did not live up to their intentions. Instead, they done more harm than help.

1. Thanks to the UN involvement, it has created a new enemy to the United States that can be a threat to the world.
2. We wasted a war on a country that wants independence, but only to help a country that colonized that area that wanted their colony back.
3. It got America poking their noses into others' countries businesses when they could do it themselves. I don't care if it's for world peace.
4. Thanks to the veto power, we couldn't get along with the UN, thus failing to take care of major issues.
5. We allowed other nations to have influence over us, caring about what we do.

For that third reason, I understand we don't want a world war 3, but we shouldn't get involved in others' businesses. Let them do their stuff, even if the issue gets worse than the Spanish Inquisition of the 15th century. When they start attacking us, that's when we should really care.