Um. . . please tell me your thoughts about this!

Have you seen him doing anything like playing some sport or some kind of hobby? That can help as a conversation starter.
You ask for our opinions, a lot of us say you should wait with relationships because you're so young, and you disregard it and are talking about 'playing the cards right' and going further with him... just.. just don't. You're looking way too much into this all, just talk to him and see where it leads you. But don't ask for opinions when you're not going to listen.
You ask for our opinions, a lot of us say you should wait with relationships because you're so young, and you disregard it and are talking about 'playing the cards right' and going further with him... just.. just don't. You're looking way too much into this all, just talk to him and see where it leads you. But don't ask for opinions when you're not going to listen.

I am not going to get in a relationship unless it's worth it. It may not seem like it but I do regard all of the opinions especially the ones telling me not to tangle with relationship drama yet. What I mean by 'playing cards' is to at least become his friend by planning ahead how I'm going to do it. Then, I see where it gets me. I know he plays soccer, but I don't know a thing about it, but maybe we could talk about funny things.
I'd probably just try to be friends with him first if anything, instead of rushing into conclusion and thinking of starting something. I agree with some people as to just waiting like maybe once you get into High School to be exact. It's cute and all that he might have some interest in you whatnot, but yeah instead of worrying about guys you have tons of other stuff to worry about.. once you get into High School you'll have to think about which University you want to get into, major, etc.. I think relationships in general can wait personally. Enjoy your youth as much as you can if you know what I mean.. cause the real life stuff is going to hit you in face in no time trust me =~=;;
You say you just met him yesterday...? You're probably just jumping into conclusions that you'd see fit for yourself. I mean, you (and your friends) might be overexaggerating his actions; you're giving his moves every single reason for you to believe he's into you and that doesn't sound right. Idk, maybe you should dedicate more time into getting to know this Jordan before making any more conclusions. Simple body movements and assumptions aren't enough to tell whatever; maybe he just likes winking? And how sure are you he was glancing at you? Maybe it's just your eyes playing tricks.
The more you assume from him, the more it'll hurt when you fall.

- - - Post Merge - - -

Also, just a thought I had for the whole week:
"Don't look for love; love will find you."

So... yeah. Just let things unfold and fall into place! Don't stress yourself out too much on what to do or what to say to get him to like you. :)
You say you just met him yesterday...? You're probably just jumping into conclusions that you'd see fit for yourself. I mean, you (and your friends) might be overexaggerating his actions; you're giving his moves every single reason for you to believe he's into you and that doesn't sound right. Idk, maybe you should dedicate more time into getting to know this Jordan before making any more conclusions. Simple body movements and assumptions aren't enough to tell whatever; maybe he just likes winking? And how sure are you he was glancing at you? Maybe it's just your eyes playing tricks.
The more you assume from him, the more it'll hurt when you fall.

- - - Post Merge - - -

Also, just a thought I had for the whole week:
"Don't look for love; love will find you."

So... yeah. Just let things unfold and fall into place! Don't stress yourself out too much on what to do or what to say to get him to like you. :)

No I met him two weeks ago. the post is outdated :p
Bump~ I'm finished with the OP until next year! So please give me your thoughts on all of this and what it may mean!
Relationships don't work like this. I think you may have watched too many movies that portray cutesy behavior as a sign of interest in someone. It means nothing. People just behave in certain ways.

Just become buddies, meet him closer, then see if you really like him as a friend. And after that, maybe it could develop into a relationship. Why do you think you even like him if you barely know him? For all you may know, he could be an absolute jerk or a manipulative prick.

But on a sidenote, like others mentioned, I don't recommend thinking about relationships at your age. As mature as you may consider yourself (and him) to be, you are not. People at such a young age are hardly suited for a relationship yet due to lack of experience and just not really knowing how it really is. I was in 2 relationships, one at 16 and the other at 18 and even then I feel like I was too much of a baby back then.

Also, from a male's perspective: If I liked someone, I'd want to become their friend first, not avoid them while blushing and such.
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""Lol nah, i just wanna be friends." So Jordan WANTED to be my friend. But I still don't know why."

You don't know why he wanted to be your friend?
Maybe he wants to get to know you and be your friend. I mean it's in black in white right there. He wants to be your friend. People don't need a reason to want to be your friend.
If you interact with someone a few times, having the thought of being friends is quite common.

"Now, I've sat next to him on the bus four times during the last two weeks of school. Here's some stuff:
-He grinned a few times.
-He looked at me during the conversation a few times.
-He had his earbuds in but he kept listening and talking to me, so I would assume he kept his volume down so we could talk.
-He said he didn't really like to talk but he continued talking to me anyway.

I got him to sign my yearbook on the last day of school, so that's pretty good.

So what do you guys think about this? Why do you think he did these things?"

I think you're reading WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYY too much into things.
He sounds uninterested to me.
He kept his ear buds IN. If he really wanted to talk and listen and all that, he would have taken them OUT and turned his music or w/e off.
Grinning doesn't necessarily mean they like you?
Looking at someone when they talk is a natural reaction unless you're a jerk or have social anxiety or w/e.
When someone says they don't want to talk, that normally means they want the conversation to end / don't want to talk anymore / want to be alone but if you don't leave, they'll keep talking if they're nice.
None of those things mean anything. Literally nothing.
I don't know this guy, you don't know this guy, no one here knows this guy.
You're just reading far too much into this because I don't know, you want there to be something there?
There just isn't. You're making this all up in your head that there's this magical spark of romance or something because you want it to be there but it just isn't.
I'm sorry.
And you're still far too young to even begin to understand how love works. You may think you have an idea but you don't.
You need to just wait and not even think about romance right now.

Just try to become his friend first. Drop the idea of there being romantic elements there, because there isn't.
You need to stop reading too much into things or else it's just going to cloud your vision and you won't be able to see clearly. Take off the rose coloured glasses and just be friends with the guy if he is interested in being friends with you next school year. That's all you should really be focused on right now if anything at all.
""Lol nah, i just wanna be friends." So Jordan WANTED to be my friend. But I still don't know why."

You don't know why he wanted to be your friend?
Maybe he wants to get to know you and be your friend. I mean it's in black in white right there. He wants to be your friend. People don't need a reason to want to be your friend.
If you interact with someone a few times, having the thought of being friends is quite common.

"Now, I've sat next to him on the bus four times during the last two weeks of school. Here's some stuff:
-He grinned a few times.
-He looked at me during the conversation a few times.
-He had his earbuds in but he kept listening and talking to me, so I would assume he kept his volume down so we could talk.
-He said he didn't really like to talk but he continued talking to me anyway.

I got him to sign my yearbook on the last day of school, so that's pretty good.

So what do you guys think about this? Why do you think he did these things?"

I think you're reading WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYY too much into things.
He sounds uninterested to me.
He kept his ear buds IN. If he really wanted to talk and listen and all that, he would have taken them OUT and turned his music or w/e off.
Grinning doesn't necessarily mean they like you?
Looking at someone when they talk is a natural reaction unless you're a jerk or have social anxiety or w/e.
When someone says they don't want to talk, that normally means they want the conversation to end / don't want to talk anymore / want to be alone but if you don't leave, they'll keep talking if they're nice.
None of those things mean anything. Literally nothing.
I don't know this guy, you don't know this guy, no one here knows this guy.
You're just reading far too much into this because I don't know, you want there to be something there?
There just isn't. You're making this all up in your head that there's this magical spark of romance or something because you want it to be there but it just isn't.
I'm sorry.
And you're still far too young to even begin to understand how love works. You may think you have an idea but you don't.
You need to just wait and not even think about romance right now.

Just try to become his friend first. Drop the idea of there being romantic elements there, because there isn't.
You need to stop reading too much into things or else it's just going to cloud your vision and you won't be able to see clearly. Take off the rose coloured glasses and just be friends with the guy if he is interested in being friends with you next school year. That's all you should really be focused on right now if anything at all.

I know. I don't WANT to be a relationship. My main focus is getting a 4.0 GPA, but I guess my main focus in this situation is just to be his friends. That's it.
Byyy the way, if he says he doesn't like to talk, I suggest you leave him alone. He is most likely too polite to outright refuse the conversation, so he is letting you know in a more subtle way but you go on nonetheless - and that comes off as pushy. If you keep doing that he will probably give up the idea of being friends with you because he might get afraid you won't respect his privacy.