Um. . . please tell me your thoughts about this!


p fly for a villain guy
Jun 18, 2015
Tasty Cake
Tasty Cake
Pikachu Easter Egg
So yesterday I met this boy, let's say his name is Jordan. So "Jordan" and I met on the bus. He looks like young Markiplier and is in my grade. He also looks like an eighth grader. So, yeah. He seemed nice, so I made him a card that said "Nice to meet you" and on the inside I asked him if he wanted to be friends and suggested that he replied via e-mail or with a letter. (Didn't get a reply yet.)

So, today at lunch, my friend, let's say her name was Taylor, was keeping a close eye on this boy because people have been saying he is a player. Then she told me that Jordan was looking at me. He would look at me for a couple of seconds, look away, and repeat. Then, around the end of lunch, Jordan walked by my table. Taylor called his name, pointed at me and she laughed and said, "He winked at you." I looked at her shocked. I kept questioning her about it being true and she swore to God she wasn't lying.

Then, across the rest of the week and the following week, our eyes met for a second, but multiple times. Then on Wednesday, I found out that Jordan has been sitting around the front of the bus more often ever since the day I met him. (I found this out from another friend) Like I said, I sit in the front of the bus and he sits in the back, well not anymore apparently.

Then recently, my friend let's say his name is Jose, Jose asks Jordan about sitting in the front of the bus and why and Jose says that he may have blushed, he doesn't know for sure. It kinda looked like it, or face reddening. Jose also said when he brought it up altogether, Jordan looked normal/nervous, in the sense that Jordan looked as if he was trying not to express anything to Jose to make anything obvious.

The next day, my friend Taylor observed that Jordan sat at a direct angle from me at lunch, so that no matter where people were, he'd be able to see me. To support this he was glancing at me a bunch.

Another thing, Jose had asked him if he liked me and he said "Lol nah, i just wanna be friends." So Jordan WANTED to be my friend. But I still don't know why. I mean, I know I asked, but still.

Now, I've sat next to him on the bus four times during the last two weeks of school. Here's some stuff:
-He grinned a few times.
-He looked at me during the conversation a few times.
-He had his earbuds in but he kept listening and talking to me, so I would assume he kept his volume down so we could talk.

I got him to sign my yearbook on the last day of school, so that's pretty good.

So what do you guys think about this? Why do you think he did these things?
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He most likely is trying to be more than friends. To be honest, he probably took the letter the wrong way and thinks you are interested in him. The wink is probably his 'player' move, and it probably shows that he got your letter and most likely will e-mail you. The reason he keeps looking at you is most likely due to the fact that he likes you. I would just tell him that you only want to be friends (unless you really are interested in him).

PS I am not the Jordan in your story lol
He most likely is trying to be more than friends. To be honest, he probably took the letter the wrong way and thinks you are interested in him. The wink is probably his 'player' move, and it probably shows that he got your letter and most likely will e-mail you. The reason he keeps looking at you is most likely due to the fact that he likes you. I would just tell him that you only want to be friends (unless you really are interested in him).

PS I am not the Jordan in your story lol

His real name isn't Jordan so I know. XDDDD

Also I guess. Thank you! I will see how he acts tomorrow though.
Pro tip: Please don't get a relationship at 13. I'm only a year older then you, its not worth it.
why did you send a card couldnt you just have said hi to him cards are weird
why did you send a card couldnt you just have said hi to him cards are weird

I don't see him as I sit in the front of the bus he sits in the back, I have no classes with him, and I never move from my table at lunch other than to go get my lunch.
On the other hand that really is weird, I don't think after just meeting you he would like you. In my opinion, it takes time to have feelings for a person you may know.

For example at the beginning of 7th grade I met this guy named Cole in my 8th period. We slowly became friends and at about halfway through the first semester, I asked for his number. We're actually going out atm but that isn't my point.

In my opinion again, I'm sure he only wants to get to know you better. It took me a while to actually have feelings for my bf, so It may be a bit weird to meet someone and just automatically like them.

But I could be wrong, a lot of people aren't like me, taking time to develop feelings. It could be true that he does like you!
hmm well maybe he likes you? idk i swear i went through this when i started liking my crush.. and i feel you with the no classes thing rip
dont worry about this. relationships when youre that young are pointless in most cases. but i personally find it a bit odd to ask to be friends through a letter, it just seems rather forced, and ive never heard of friendships starting out that way. its better to just let it happen by talking about common interests or whatever pops up in the conversation. i wouldnt waste my time on him if i were you. to me, middle school is pretty much the same as elementary; everyone is still a kid, and kids typically over analyze small and irrelevant things. if he has a reputation for being a "player," then yeah don't bother. even if you're still wanting to make a move, hiding and being shy wont get you anywhere
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why don't people just talk anymore.

"I don't see him as I sit in the front of the bus he sits in the back, I have no classes with him, and I never move from my table at lunch other than to go get my lunch."

Oh boy.

I wouldn't do anything about it personally. As stated before by Ness, they nearly never last.