Turnips for 476 at my town

Whaaaaat. That's lame. Keep trying! If you want to sort it out, I can put you into group 4.

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N64dude, not yet. There's still people from group 2 here
Yeah, I've tried connecting to two different wi-fi's so I'll just have to wait. Put me into group 4 please :) sorry about that. Hopefully it'll let me go through by then.
Okay, you're in group 4. Take your time.

- - - Post Merge - - -

Group 4.

1. Arkay
2. HodorlstWisdom
3. Skky
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That's totally fine.

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Okay, n64dude. You're in group 3.

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Group 3 is full. Be ready for you guys in 10 minutes or so. Please add me first!

Adding group 3, gate open in 2 minutes.

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Yes, coseacant. Group 3.

Group 3.
1. Moose
2. Coseacant
3. N64dude

Gate is open for you guys.
My daughter needs help, so I'm trusting you. Haha

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Group 4 is the last group for now. My daughter needs me, haha. But I'll tt and keep the price, and be back on later. :]
There's someone from group 3 who didn't come, but I'm not sure who they are. Haha. If you didn't come, just pm me and I can put you in a different group for later.
I'll open for you right now.

- - - Post Merge - - -

Okay, you're in group 4. Take your time.

- - - Post Merge - - -

Group 4.

1. Arkay
2. HodorlstWisdom
3. Skky

Adding group 4 right now. Gate is closed for 2 minutes. Please be ready! :]
I don't know why. 2 people are here right now, so maybe that was it? Try again. :]
I have had 2 people say that as well. But I have full reception right now, so I don't know. :/
I'm gonna fill my storage with turnips so it won't take as many trips. I'll be back in a few minutes.
Hmm. I don't know what's going on. I've had about 10 people successfully come. Maybe I should restart?