Town Names?


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Jul 2, 2017
October Birthstone (Opal)
Pink Hybrid Cosmos
White Cosmos
Pumpkin Cupcake
Peach (Fruit)
So I'm about to create a town for Cycling and I think I shall name it Hopalong. <3 I want to name my Mayor something fitting for the town too, but I'm stumped on what to call her.

What are your town names? (And if you'd like you can include the Mayor's name too.)
My town name is Rhubarb (named after my favourite kind of pie/crumble)!

Next town I have (or cycling town, whatever) will probably be called Noatun or Vigrid.
My town name is Aurora, named after the town I first lived in, and my mayor is Bobby, named after myself.
that town name reminds me of Mr. Hopsalot from the Jumpstart games. :p
My town name is CinnCity. It's actually a shortened version of "Cinnamon City", but I wanted to get across the Las Vegas parody.
I third Judy! Though I think just "Bunny" would be super duper cute too~ I love that word

My town is named Teatime because I like the ring "Tiffany of Teatime" has to it, there's so many T's haha.
Wow you guys have some cute town names. <3 I love the idea of Jude, but I settled on Bliss. Both sound so happy and charming to me!
Pansear of Pinwheel. BC you can catch Pansears in Pokemon BW in Pinwheel forest!
i've got harmony from cloudluv (why? because 11 year old me was stupid)

emily from clarity (cause at the time, i thought the word clarity was really pretty)

and holly from wintry (since it's a winter-themed town, aha)
Sounds nice! Everyone's mind went in the direction of bunny but I immediately thought frog x'D And I imagined a whole town of frog villagers (I love them)

edit: Forgot to add mine. Panda from Linwick. At the time I thought the Pokemon "Litwick" had a cute name so I changed a letter. For Panda I thought it was an ironic name because she's the only human.
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My town name is Aquarius (like the zodiac sign, although I am not an Aquarius!). I named it this because I wanted it to be water themed. My Mayor's name is Sarah after myself and she has a mermaid/ocean themed house and lives by the beach.
My other character is named Jody after my favorite pokemon Jirachi from one of my games, and my third character is named Klondike after my first dog who died a little less than 10 years ago.
my town name is Faun and my mayor is called aloe
my 2nd town is called tamoruku and my mayor is called namiko(my name)
My mayor is Aderyn (Welsh for bird)
My town is Glaw (Welsh for Rain)
Fitting enough it's a rainy day village
hopalong is so adorable♥
my current town's name is genovia and the mayor is dallas, which i used BEFORE i decided to make my town a kingdom. "queen dallas" just doesn't really sound right, oops lol