Too late for Halloween? D:


Dec 22, 2016
Hey. I just started my town on the 23rd of October. I know I probably can't get enough candy for a LOT of furniture but I was wondering if it would be possible to get ANY of the creepy series from Jack? I know you had to talk to him earlier in October but was wondering if I could still participate....

The creepy set is my favorite set and I'll be really bummed if I can't get any.
No, you don't have to talk to him on the 1st of October just to help him out. I made maybe two or three Halloween themed towns, and that was on like the 12th or the 13th, and when I walk around town I still found him. And I think as long as you get lollipops and give it to Jack, you will get creepy items. If you give him normal candy, you'll get the Spooky set which you can buy at Timmy and Tommy's store, I think, even if it's not upgraded.

correct me if I'm wrong anyone, but I hope I helped :)
Yes, you only need to get the masks. Normal sweets don't get the creepy set I don't think, only the lollipops.
I believe you can still participate. I didn't talk to Jack this year and I still got a letter from him in the mail with a mask in it.
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I got the letter. I just hope all my villagers are scared of the skeleton mask because that is the only one I've gotten in my town so far!