• Thanks for playing! The closing ceremony for TBT World Championship 2024 has been posted. Congratulations to the winning team, Squirtle Squad! Update: The Master Ball raffle winners have now been announced and rewards have been distributed. Time to spend your Arcade Tokens!


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Are you sure maybe he just has a different name on your friend list? That happens and i get confused when someone come to my town. That is my worst nightmare omg, and in a mask too ;u;
I just had an internet error yet none of my friends are online... and my internet has never done that...my gates were open because I was about to trade... O_O
I shall try. Next time I sneak onto my 3DS, I'll attempt it.

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I do not even know. Maybe it's just to toy with people.

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Oh my gosh, that's so sweet of you. Thank you. ^^

I'll order you the alpine bed, chair, dresser, kitchen cart, lamp, low table, and shelf :)
This is sooo~ creepy TTmTT I didn't know people could come to your town without swapping friend codes. I'm sorry this happened to you :(

We must unravel this mystery!
Are you sure maybe he just has a different name on your friend list? That happens and i get confused when someone come to my town. That is my worst nightmare omg, and in a mask too ;u;

No one is in my friends list except me. ;;
This is sooo~ creepy TTmTT I didn't know people could come to your town without swapping friend codes. I'm sorry this happened to you :(

We must unravel this mystery!

Indeed, we must.
if there's something strange
in your neighbourhood
who yo gonna call

- - - Post Merge - - -

Probably a hacker.

i had a friend who had all their pathes in their town turned into butts.

Follow the yellow butt road. xD

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Probably a hacker.

i had a friend who had all their pathes in their town turned into butts.

Follow the yellow butt road. xD

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I just had an internet error yet none of my friends are online... and my internet has never done that...my gates were open because I was about to trade... O_O

Thats probably your internet. Don't worry about it. ^^

- - - Post Merge - - -

I'll order you the alpine bed, chair, dresser, kitchen cart, lamp, low table, and shelf :)

Thank you! Much appreciated. ^^
so just wondering, you selected to open your gates via internet? (not local) I really wanna find who it is lol
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The only thing I can guess is maybe he kept the dialogue with Porter opened, so the list with your town name was on it. Maybe had to AFK or something. Then returned and was maybe able to select your town. Or maybe it takes a little while for Nintendo's network to erase connections between people who exchanged codes? Idk if either of these happen or is possible, but these are things that have existed on other games and this is the best guess I can wager as to what happened.

It's very possible you had him added from awhile ago and he may have just been under an unrecognizable name.
Well this is scary...and makes me never want to open my gates again.

EXTREMELY scary! I hope this reaches people, and hopefully we can find someone who's got the answer to keep this kind of mystery from happening again.
Thank you everyone for the kind replies. We need to find this person and stop them thieving off of people.
End part was kinda creepy. Felt like a creepypasta aha. Sorry that happened to you though.
I've been a victim of theft before so I know the feeling :(

You should of took a pic of his friend code so people can watch out.

Do you still need black and white roses? I can give for free! :)
Suck his d!ck? I'd chop it off. Why are people like this...

Me to this. Especially scary he could visit after you deleted everyone. I sense a creepypasta!

- - - Post Merge - - -

Oh and I have black and white and gold roses if you'd like them!!
Wait, if you deleted every Friend Code, then how could he still come into your town? Are you sure that you didn't Streetpass him or any chance? Or if you selected Local?

Edit: tldr, but that is just hella creepy
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