Thoughts/Opinions on Nintendo Swtich Lite?


Taking a break :3
Oct 5, 2019

I have been saving up to get a Switch Lite so that I can play ACNH when it comes out. But thought I would hop on here to hear to some peoples thoughts/opinions on the console first.

Is it worth the money?
Would you recommend it?

Those are just some questions I'm curious about, you don't have to answer those though!

Interested to hear what people have to say, because I'm planning on buying it this weekend.

Please only reply to this thread if you own a Switch Lite!
Thanks for your help. :)
This past Christmas my husband, myself, and our three kids each got a switch lite.

We really enjoy them, but we do take care to make sure ournhands are clean when we play so no crud gets in thr joystick area to cause drift. We also only play racing games on the regular switch because spending a long time holsing the joystick in one direction can conteibute to drift. Joycons can be replaced, but on switch lite you don't get to simply buy new joycons.


- Lighter weight for portability
- Comes in fun colors


- Joystick drifting is a bigger deal when you cannot just buy new ones, yoy have to send your system in for repair instead.

If you are willing to be careful with your joysticks though, I'd say they are wothwhile to have. :)
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I don't have either, but price and size would definitely weigh over positively if I were to get one. This joycon crap should tbf have been fixed to it imo.. I don't plan on getting one but considering how expensive the og one is here yeah Lite would have been my pick.
I own the turquoise Switch Lite and to be honest, I started to prefer it over the regular Switch, mostly because I play all the time on handheld mode and overall the Lite feels better in the hands. So far, there are't any negative points for me, I can tell only positive about it actually.

As for the Joy-Con drift, I never had this issue, so I can't make an opinion about it.

I would definitely recommend it.
Switch Lite is fine if you have zero interest in playing on the tv. I rarely play handheld myself so I personally wouldn't like it as much, when I'm home I like to relax and play a game on the big screen :)
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I think saving for an actual Switch is the better option but really casual switch players would just prefer getting a switch lite
I feel like handheld wise it would be better. So if you would only see yourself playing handheld, then I think they're so cute and worth. Personally for me, I like to have the option to play on the TV. City Folk was one of my favorite games and I thought it looked great :)
-easier to carry around
-cute colors!!!
-cant remove joycons (in event of joycon drift due to long term use)
-no kickstand
-difficult to play local multiplayer on
-does not connect to tv at all

My bf has the switch lite and loves it because he likes having something that's portable but I prefer my original switch since I enjoy using the tv c:
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Yeah I couldn't pass up the TV compatibility. I use TV play more than handheld.
I never thought I'd be considering a Lite purchase but things have changed. I thought the concept sounded silly because "who would want a Switch that doesn't switch?" but lately my fiance has been talking about wanting another portable system as the 2DS has been out of order for a while now.

She really only plays games in one instance. Sitting in front of the tv with some garbage show on that she can half ignore while looking down at her game. Now usually she gets by just fine on cell phone games but with all my talk about AC lately, well I think I've peaked her curiosity and might find myself puchasing a Switch Lite after all.

Animal Crossing moves hardware folks.
Wasn't the switch lite supposed to fix the drifting issue, but it didn't? I'm glad nintendo will fix the original switch's joycons for free since my second set of joycons is starting to get it, but idk how many times they will because I wanna keep this set.

As for whether the switch lite is a good buy I'd think so. It's probably better for little kids and elderly gamers so that they don't lose the joycons, it comes in really cute colors, it's lighter and more portable...I'm pretty much just repeating what others have said at this point lol
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I was planning on getting a Switch Lite because I mainly play handheld with my actual Switch anyways (plus it's cheaper), but I didn't end up getting it because of the joycon drift and because there's no motion controls.
I primarily play Splatoon2 and I play with motion controls. You could get external joycons but... the Switch Lite doesn't have a kickstand. And I don't really like playing like that anyways. I think it really depends on what games you play, how you play, if you worry about joycon drift, and cost.
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I think it's better to go with the regular switch because even if you don't play on the TV much, you still have the option if you ever wanted to. ACNH will look especially good on the big screen.
You can also get replacement joycons if the base ones start to malfunction, or if you want more options to customize your Switch's colors. Not to mention the screen is a bit bigger.

I understand that not all people can afford it, but if you can, I'd recommend a regular Switch to play it safe. :)
Tbf they should come up with a drift issue solution before they went on Lite production, tbf if they knew they can't be taken off. But yeah I will probably go with a Lite if I get one.. they tend to bundle up prices here way too much for the OG ones. They are almost 500 bucks whereas Lite is is 250 at best. I don't mind sending mine here if they offer, though they can be really lazy checking for issues I've seen.
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I bought a Switch Lite instead of a "classic" Switch because I'm more of a handheld player. when I'm home I'm on my PC, and outdoors I use the Lite. I haven't used my TV since 2012, so I would have never docked it.
what I know is that the Lite's battery is better and the screen is sharper (both models are 720p), since it's smaller, hence a higher ppi density.
i really like it! i only play in handheld mode anyways and the turquoise one is so pretty :') my mom has it but i already had a switch before the lite came out
I own a switch lite, I wouldn't if it wasn't for the virus. I chose it because it was much more cost effective (especially since it was on sale) and because I have always preferred handhelds. They are nostalgic.

Is it worth the money?
Heck yes! You are buying a full console/a super powerful handheld that plays console games at the same price of a N3DSXL- that is a huge step up. I play acnh on it and love it, I started playing AC on WW so AC will always be a handheld game for me :)
It is aesthetically gorgeous.

Would you recommend it?
Yes I would!

-It has a D-pad which the OG switches just don't have
-Has a very crisp image since it's the same pixel density as the OG switch on a smaller screen
-The best way to play handheld
-really cute accessories can be bought for it
-Plays most of the big title games (except ones like mario party)
-You can do local multiplayer with other switch owners BUT not on the the one device (read cons for expansion on this)
-Pretty reasonable battery life

-No local multiplayer possible on the one device (ok it is possible if you buy joy cons for it BUT at that point your spending the same amount of money as an OG switch)
-No docking
-No HD rumble
-The perception it's for "casual gamers" lol, if you can't afford the bigger one for whatever reason it doesn't make you less of a gamer.