This waterfall... <3

Omg! That's so amazing! i had a kind of map that had that! ♥ It's really hard to get it tho. :p
Oh why not. :) I'm on my way!

Oooooo I like it. So many hybrids!! I would love to base Hana Valley on this place. :) It's so clean, and neat, and the topiary are in perfect spots. And you have Pinky! One of my original animals and the last one to move that I couldn't stop. And Yoshi looks exactly like Yosuke. *L* Your minimalist house is cool. I need that glass wall in my life. The closest I could get were the two aurora screens in Yosuke's house.
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Oh, that waterfall looks very pretty! I never thought they could look that way. My waterfall is facing directly south as well. :)