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Things You Hate Most About ACNL

Blood Eclipse

𖤐 ♱ 𖤐
Jul 30, 2019
Flick Halloweaster Egg
Moonlight Halloweaster Egg
Bloodshot Potion
Happy Ditto Easter Egg
Voodoo Doll
Firstly no I don't hate ACNL. :( I just want to put up something a bit different. Rather than focusing on the best of the game, I'd like to know what others think are the worst part.

Things I hate about ACNL:

Timmy and Tommy
I don't like being told that they no longer accept credit anymore or that Timmy only works on X days over and over again - every time I exchange aticket or want to sell an item because I don't want to walk all the way back to retail.

I think it should be: I may I help you with anything, and the options appear.

I hate how limited some spaces
I'd like bushes to be like flowers and be plantable next to your home. I'd like to plant some cedar trees near rivers and most of all, I'd like to place projects in the same fashion as in Happy Home Designer. I'd like see my limits rather than be told by Isabelle in a long sequence of words that it's too close to everything and that it has to be 3 spaces right and 100 spaces back >:-(

I hate donating fossils or anything to the museum in the morning or buying items from Celeste in the mornings because there's always a long pause for hs/her yawning before I can just get to the donating part. And help me if I accidentally click 'donate' instead of 'assess fossil' (I know why Blathers sleeps during the day btw and that he's done it in past games, too. still I think he should be replaced during the day by an animal that isn't nocturnal.)

I hate how villagers move in the worst spots, even when you place patterns and plants there.
One of my villagers decided to move directly under my town hall and I just hated seeing him everytime. Who does that? Especially when there other, better areas.

That's all I can think of right now. :) I know I said hate a lot, but I really like ACNL, even with those flaws. I'd like it if it were a bit like Fire Emblem and you had the option to skip dialog by pressing start for those who want it.

So anything you hate or dislike from it?
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Getting PWPs. It's too difficult and takes too long to get them. I just wish there was a more reliable that you could get them I guess
Two grievances I've had with the Animal Crossing series from the start: I want a backpack, and I want a yard!! I will gladly pay Gracie and Nook whatever millions of bells they want for these extra spaces. I think a backpack would be super convenient when you're doing something like fishing, where you'll likely end up with a LOT of items in a short period of time, or when you're traveling to another town and want to take items to sell or trade. As for the house, it drives me absolutely crazy that we have to place obviously outdoor items INSIDE our houses and make a fake outdoor space. Why can't a yard just be another home upgrade? Heck, it could be a couple of upgrades, because maybe you could pay for a bigger yard size as well.

One thing I do want to praise about the game is the addition of the storage shed in the update. This has COMPLETELY transformed how I'm able to play the game, because I feel so compelled to hoard items that I can't re-purchase and it took up any and all available space and choked my ability to design my house in any real way. That said, however, I'm perturbed at it as well because at the same time that they added the storage shed they also added a ton more non-purchasable items, so it's not as much of an advantage as it should've been. This is something I also wish you could pay Nook to expand. Again, I'll pay him whatever ridiculous price he wants, because the storage space is more important to me than the bells!

Bottom line, I've always felt that storage in Animal Crossing games has been a problem since they insist on making SO many items non-purchasable. If you're going to have items that can't be regained later, then they ought to give you the space to hang on to those items once you get them. It shouldn't come at the expense of being able to design your home, because that's a major branch of the game itself. The storage situation has massively improved, and I'm VERY thankful for that, but it's far from perfect, and it's frustrating that it could be fixed with relatively minor adjustments.
- having to tan in order to become darker.
please, i just want to have a tan in winter.. is that so much to ask, nintendo?
- villagers being lazy.
oh, you want me to give this to that other person? i would.. if she waSN'T RIGHT BESIDE YOU. GOOD LORD.
- pwps.
do i really have to wait nine years just for a villager to suggest a trash bin? it once took me 6 months in order to finally get the police station..
-shops closing too soon, even with the night owl ordinance.
okay, i know it's 3:00AM but, am i really the only one up right now??
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Getting PWPs. It's too difficult and takes too long to get them. I just wish there was a more reliable that you could get them I guess


Also the perfet town requirements. Is it me or did they sneakily made it harder to get. I know the req's but everytime you plant and remove and they are not happy blahblah still can't get it :/ Please fix it or at least make it by acre or ****
- The villagers are too nice!:pI wish they were ruder, like in older games. It gave them more personality. Even grumpy villagers are polite.
- Dream code changing nonsense. I just want older codes to work. ;-;
Dead Spots

I hate how there are random dead spots where trees or bushes can't be planted. It ruins the consistency.
I know I already replied here, but I was talking about this with my roommate and they brought up another point: Grass death. I'm not against the grass dying as a general concept, but I think the way it's implemented is extremely flawed. I like the idea that if you run on the grass it dies, as this game is built around cause and effect and I think that's one that's fair.


The fact that you can't even so much as walk at max speed without killing grass is insane to me. It makes getting anywhere in the game so, SO taxing sometimes, especially when you're trying to make repeated trips between two locations. Also, the degree to which the grass dies seems disproportionate. Even if you travel basically the same path all the time, the grass will die in en masse -- and as we all know, it takes so, so, SO long to grow back.

Even more frustrating is, like my last post was saying about storage, this would be so easy to properly balance. For one thing, I think having the Beautiful Town ordinance should either stop grass from dying (since it stops flowers from dying as it is) or at least vastly reduce it. And once you already have dead grass, you ought to be able to revitalize it with fertilizer, which would make said fertilizer MUCH more relevant in the game. (I don't know about you guys, but I've literally only ever bought fertilizer to get a golden shovel. As soon as I bought it I sold it to Reese.) One other way they could've made up for the grass being so easy to kill would be if you could pay Leif to fix it for you.

I know the idea behind the delicacy of the grass has to do with a Japanese principle about slowing down and taking it easy, and that's fine, but at some point the devs really ought to stop and recognize that with how complex the game has become, it's just not that easy anymore. If they're going to make the grass this fragile, then they ought to give you more options to remedy it. Leaving zero avenue to fix it beyond waiting and traveling at the pace of a slug really isn't what I consider fun gameplay.
I wouldn't really say I hate anything, but there are a few things about the game that can irritate me.

1. Grass Wear - I literally changed my entire style of play and ended up creating paths, plot resetting, and doing extensive landscaping all because of grass wear. I miss the days of just being able to walk around my town (I never run anyway) and go wherever I want without having to worry about seeing nothing but ugly brown dirt. In the end, I'm very happy with the town I created, but I'd still love to go back to that carefree style of playing which is just impossible when I have to worry about not having a single green spot left in town. I'm not exaggerating too much either. That's pretty much what happened after my first few months of playing. Luckily, winter and then spring restored everything and I made changes to prevent that from happening again.

2. Not being able to center things on tables. I have OCD and this just really bothers me. I'm glad they're correcting it in future games, but that doesn't satisfy me now. LOL

3. The watered-down, overly-friendly personalities of all the villagers and NPCs. I wouldn't have minded them toning down some of the snarkiness of the early days, but they just flat out removed all signs of it. Plus, I've said it before and I'll say it again. I miss Blathers talking about all of the items I donated. I wouldn't have minded them adding an option to skip it like they did with Kapp'n's songs for the people who don't want to hear it, but I want him to live up to his name and tell me everything about the creature I just handed him.
I wish the villagers moved into spaces a little more like Wild World, but with spaces that you place in the beginning of the game. Or maybe some sort of system where you can mark areas as not to be built on, like the buffer spaces around buildings. If there was a map for that, sort of weather forecast style, I would be at peace.

I'd also love it if Mabel didn't ask if I'm buying a gift everytime I buy a dress. I'm super glad I can wear whatever I want, but I often feel like I need to try it on just to make a point to her.
Unless I'm stupid and haven't found a way around this.

I hate unwanted villagers.

I've beaten and complained about said villagers in hopes that they'd move but nope, still stick around like a fly on jello.
How much torture can one person endure?
Unless I'm stupid and haven't found a way around this.

I hate unwanted villagers.

I've beaten and complained about said villagers in hopes that they'd move but nope, still stick around like a fly on jello.
How much torture can one person endure?

Befriending them works better! The higher your friendship level, the more likely they are to ping to move.

I hate the limited dialogue and the cranky villagers not being... cranky.
that house centipedes are so difficult to find
1. Not being able to choose where houses, town hall etc. are
2. Only having 10 villagers
3. How gosh darn long it takes to open and throw away letters
4. Not being able to plot PWPs closer to the plaza
5. Repetitive dialogue

That's about all I can think of. I mean it's one of my favourite games of all time so I don't have a lot of complaints. Also unpopular opinion but I actually like the watered down personalities. I kind of appreciate that everyone's nice and polite after a long day of work in the real world lol.
"Two grievances I've had with the Animal Crossing series from the start: I want a backpack, and I want a yard!! I will gladly pay Gracie and Nook whatever millions of bells they want for these extra spaces. I think a backpack would be super convenient when you're doing something like fishing, where you'll likely end up with a LOT of items in a short period of time, or when you're traveling to another town and want to take items to sell or trade. As for the house, it drives me absolutely crazy that we have to place obviously outdoor items INSIDE our houses and make a fake outdoor space. Why can't a yard just be another home upgrade? Heck, it could be a couple of upgrades, because maybe you could pay for a bigger yard size as well."

I've always wanted a backyard too. So what I do is put my home somewhere where I have plenty of space in the front to make myself a front yard.

I also hate that you can't put what should be outside items outside. Items like wheat field, barbecue, hose, lawn chair, backyard pool, Outdoor bath (oh come on its in the name! :()
You could in happy home designer, but it make me more sad because I want a merge of the good aspects of both games. :( Looks like the new ACH might have that feature though bc I saw a pic of a bbq by someone's home :D

And heck yes to the backpack idea! That sounds awesome! If you can get different. types of backpack or customize them that be so great.
wish Nintendo listened more to fan ideas.

- - - Post Merge - - -

- having to tan in order to become darker.
please, i just want to have a tan in winter.. is that so much to ask, nintendo?
- villagers being lazy.
oh, you want me to give this to that other person? i would.. if she waSN'T RIGHT BESIDE YOU. GOOD LORD.
- pwps.
do i really have to wait nine years just for a villager to suggest a trash bin? it once took me 6 months in order to finally get the police station..
-shops closing too soon, even with the night owl ordinance.
okay, i know it's 3:00AM but, am i really the only one up right now??

So much yes in this. I wish we could pick any skin color already like in pokemon or have a tanning bed in shampoodles shop were you can get one whenever youd like. here's to hoping ACH does at least on of those :(

Woah Nine years to get a new project O___O???!!!
I really hope it doesn't take me that long to unlock the police station in my town. :(

Villagers being lazy is faf imo xd but more variety in dialogue would be most welcome :)

I play at daytime for that reason shops closing early is annoying. only prob with that is talking to blathers or Celeste at daytime.

- - - Post Merge - - -

- The villagers are too nice!:pI wish they were ruder, like in older games. It gave them more personality. Even grumpy villagers are polite.
- Dream code changing nonsense. I just want older codes to work. ;-;

Exactly!! That's what made them distinct.A big part of ac is the villager's dialogue, by making them all nice, you just get bored quicker and see them all as walking puppets. I liked the nice and the rude villagers. I liked phyllis saying things like "ugh you again" or even sable saying "patience sable..." Cutting that off is like cutting out out half of what made AC good. After you're done collecting items, you want to see what villagers have to say and it's usually the same thing. Even when you reject their offers, rather than getting mad, they just say "oh it's no big deal" :( I hope Nintendo listens to this request too but I highly doubt it.

- - - Post Merge - - -

I know I already replied here, but I was talking about this with my roommate and they brought up another point: Grass death. I'm not against the grass dying as a general concept, but I think the way it's implemented is extremely flawed. I like the idea that if you run on the grass it dies, as this game is built around cause and effect and I think that's one that's fair.


The fact that you can't even so much as walk at max speed without killing grass is insane to me. It makes getting anywhere in the game so, SO taxing sometimes, especially when you're trying to make repeated trips between two locations. Also, the degree to which the grass dies seems disproportionate. Even if you travel basically the same path all the time, the grass will die in en masse -- and as we all know, it takes so, so, SO long to grow back.

Even more frustrating is, like my last post was saying about storage, this would be so easy to properly balance. For one thing, I think having the Beautiful Town ordinance should either stop grass from dying (since it stops flowers from dying as it is) or at least vastly reduce it. And once you already have dead grass, you ought to be able to revitalize it with fertilizer, which would make said fertilizer MUCH more relevant in the game. (I don't know about you guys, but I've literally only ever bought fertilizer to get a golden shovel. As soon as I bought it I sold it to Reese.) One other way they could've made up for the grass being so easy to kill would be if you could pay Leif to fix it for you.

I know the idea behind the delicacy of the grass has to do with a Japanese principle about slowing down and taking it easy, and that's fine, but at some point the devs really ought to stop and recognize that with how complex the game has become, it's just not that easy anymore. If they're going to make the grass this fragile, then they ought to give you more options to remedy it. Leaving zero avenue to fix it beyond waiting and traveling at the pace of a slug really isn't what I consider fun gameplay.

I'm just planning on placing patterns over most of my grass :x I run all the time in this game and I don't like missing patches.

- - - Post Merge - - -

Not being able to center things on the table irritates me too, I'd like to put sunflowers in the middle of my blue table. I first noticed this in WW and it annoyed me to the point where I didn't even bother to add a big table in my home. :(
Unless I'm stupid and haven't found a way around this.

I hate unwanted villagers.

I've beaten and complained about said villagers in hopes that they'd move but nope, still stick around like a fly on jello.
How much torture can one person endure?

Me too I just pretend they don't exist until they move out (hopefully asap). But its REALLY hard to do that when they decide to move right in front of the town hall or train station! >:-(
No! Worse even is if they change thier mind about moving and then you have to restart the grueling task of getting them to move out again.

- - - Post Merge - - -

1. Not being able to choose where houses, town hall etc. are
2. Only having 10 villagers
3. How gosh darn long it takes to open and throw away letters
4. Not being able to plot PWPs closer to the plaza
5. Repetitive dialogue

That's about all I can think of. I mean it's one of my favourite games of all time so I don't have a lot of complaints. Also unpopular opinion but I actually like the watered down personalities. I kind of appreciate that everyone's nice and polite after a long day of work in the real world lol.

I completely forgot about letters being so annoying.

I just stopped sending mail to my villagers when I had to read and throw away all letters one by one. I wish it was more like gmail where you can select all and throw all the letters out at once.
I would have to say the thing that I dislike most about the game is the timegates. I understand the game is there to help you take it slow but sometimes I just want to get to things without having to time travel..
Thankfully I don't see grass wear as often, as I only play 1 of my towns a day, but Gracie's Fashion Check IS. SO. ANNOYING. I have to buy EVERYTHING at able sisters EACH DAY just to pass! And this is REQUIRED to get the gold shovel. Also where you can place pwp is SO LIMITING. I want to place the cafe by ONE ROCK and Isabelle says, "oh no move it 100 spaces back, blah blah blah" And it makes it to where you CANNOT place pwp near each other. One time I tried to place a flower arch near a fence, and Isabelle said to move it! It cannot even go in a logical place, deeming it useless. Also why do you have to buy 50 FLOWERS to get the SILVER watering can, 50 SAPLINGS to get the gold axe, and 50 fertilizer to get the gold shovel. You can really only buy one of those in a day! And Isabelle, if you want the citizens to like the town, JUST LET ME PLACE THE PWP WHERE I WANT!!! Also why do you have to spend nearly 8 MILLION BELLS just to fully upgrade your house?!?! And why do I have to spend 360000 bells just to get the reset center? And you can only build ONE pwp at a time. Also, why does it take 3 DAYS for a fruit tree to regrow it's fruit? That makes it to where you play on 3 DAY CYCLES, because fruit is your main source of income. Also why can't you plant non-native fruit trees? And finally, even if you do what lyle says, your HHA score is STILL. SO. LOW!!!!!!

I love this game, but it is a tiny bit annoying sometimes. Also, placing tiles does not prevent the grass from dying.
Well, now I got that out of my system.
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Thankfully I don't see grass wear as often, as I only play 1 of my towns a day, but Gracie's Fashion Check IS. SO. ANNOYING. I have to buy EVERYTHING at able sisters EACH DAY just to pass! And this is REQUIRED to get the gold shovel. Also where you can place pwp is SO LIMITING. I want to place the cafe by ONE ROCK and Isabelle says, "oh no move it 100 spaces back, blah blah blah" And it makes it to where you CANNOT place pwp near each other. One time I tried to place a flower arch near a fence, and Isabelle said to move it! It cannot even go in a logical place, deeming it useless. Also why do you have to buy 50 FLOWERS to get the SILVER watering can, 50 SAPLINGS to get the gold axe, and 50 fertilizer to get the gold shovel. You can really only buy one of those in a day! And Isabelle, if you want the citizens to like the town, JUST LET ME PLACE THE PWP WHERE I WANT!!! Also why do you have to spend nearly 8 MILLION BELLS just to fully upgrade your house?!?! And why do I have to spend 360000 bells just to get the reset center? And you can only build ONE pwp at a time. Also, why does it take 3 DAYS for a fruit tree to regrow it's fruit? That makes it to where you play on 3 DAY CYCLES, because fruit is your main source of income. Also why can't you plant non-native fruit trees? And finally, even if you do what lyle says, your HHA score is STILL. SO. LOW!!!!!!

I love this game, but it is a tiny bit annoying sometimes. Also, placing tiles does not prevent the grass from dying.
Well, now I got that out of my system.

completey agree. The way to earn quick money without relying on only fruit is cut down every tree, bush remove all flowers and bushes in the middle area of Tortimer island. Leave only palms. And play at night time on your island. You'll weed out most of the non rare bugs and if you catch gold beetles, sharks, hercules beetle, you can make 500,000 or more in a day c: still a pain though but less so than waiting on ur fruit trees to grow back.
completey agree. The way to earn quick money without relying on only fruit is cut down every tree, bush remove all flowers and bushes in the middle area of Tortimer island. Leave only palms. And play at night time on your island. You'll weed out most of the non rare bugs and if you catch gold beetles, sharks, hercules beetle, you can make 500,000 or more in a day c: still a pain though but less so than waiting on ur fruit trees to grow back.
