*~ The Positivity Thread ~* One positive thought a day :)

Toontown Rewritten actually worked yesterday! Me and my friend on the game just talked about random stuff for an hour, it was awesome. I forgot how amazing online friends are.
Looking forward to placement next week - last week was a bit dull, but I'm in a bigger hospital next week so hopefully it will be better
I got my best friend and I a OR/AS Demo code. Waiting till she's on to share the fantastic news with her. Where you at Azukitan? Lol
i was playing with my kitten and his tongue was sticking out wtf kittens are so cute
I finally stopped vomiting late last night. I feel kind of weak and crappy but at least I'm mostly better today. Stomach doesn't feel great but I can actually get up and move around which is wonderful, seeing as it's darts night today so work will be busy. And I cleaned the freezer out, so now I can just chill for a bit~
I laughed a whole lot today, and besides my anxiety getting to me multiple times, I had a great day.
I think I might've done well on my precalculus test.
I got a 100% on my precalculus test. :D I never thought I'd see the day.
My mom is bringing my dogs to my apartment to see me :) I'm so excited, I haven't seen them, or my mom, in a while. They always cheer me up after all the stress I've been going through.