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The Illuminati

Yes look at all of this, scary stuff, we're all going to be brainwashed, yes, beware, be very concerned, look at this actual page from Illuminati book...

Ever heard of the Knights Templar? Yeah, they're basically the Illuminati and yeah, they're real. There was one of Free Mason building things in my home town and lots of people that lived there were members of the outer circle. My family wasn't because I guess you had buy or donate your way in. Apparently, they did charity work of some kind. Oh, and I saw on a documentary that the Illuminati actually televised one of their introductory rituals, so that people would stop freaking out on them. I saw the vid and was really, really let down by how simple and non-mysterious the whole thing was. The only other thing I know about them is that most of the members are atheists because, I guess, atheists are supposed to be enlightened or something and "Illuminati" means "the enlightened ones".
i'm sure there might be some kind of secret society, we will just never truly know. (well, at least not yet.)
Most of it is way too exaggerated though. Like Lady Gaga who has never done harm to anyone, so many rumors floating around about her, why would she be in such a group?
I once saw proof. Like, an actual clip of something and when it was over it asked if you noticed. I went back. I saw it and that was the end of my internet usage for the day. More like the week.
Yes look at all of this, scary stuff, we're all going to be brainwashed, yes, beware, be very concerned, look at this actual page from Illuminati book...

That's from the Disney show Gravity Falls as shown in the image link, and most of it is fictional (like the 10 symbols in the ring symbolizing the characters).
Yes look at all of this, scary stuff, we're all going to be brainwashed, yes, beware, be very concerned, look at this actual page from Illuminati book...


Gravity Falls? I don't think Grunkle Stan relates to this.
The original Illuminati fought for women's rights, so I guess they're good guys.

They also wanted to make education accessible to more people.

~Some people just want to watch the world learn~
Which probably means Bill Nye is part of it.
Let's say, hypothetically, if the Illuminati were real, and every entertainer/politician/important figure were a part of it, I don't it would make sense to recruit people in the entertainment business?

Wouldn't one of these "members" get too cocky, and spill the beans on this society after all these years, if so many people are a part of it. But yeah, I think it's cool to read about and look at the theories, but I don't think it actually exists.
How did this topic get so big lolol.

If someone's going to try to sell you on something or control what you think, it's probably not the Illuminati. It's actually probably the government. Wow. Spooky.

hurr durr conspiracy theory.
I still don't get what Illuminati is.. Is that a bad thing?
Oh and my plugs are Illuminati, and the dollar sign is?

My Plugs
I like how they look, is it bad I have them?

Btw are all triangles Illuminati??
Because this is a celtic knot..
First of all; no, the Illuminati isn't bad.
Yes that is the Illuminati sign; no they aren't bad, keep them.
No, not all triangles are Illuminati.
I think its real , some of my friends have said beyonce is the queen , jayz is the king and rihanna is the princess of the illuminati I dunno lol.( oh if u look closely in the video of rihanna song you da one it's written on da wall 'princess of the illuminati'.
Oh, finally something good! ! !

You have no idea what I have seen, heard about, you know. I could go on for hours, but here's a little story.

Once I got an email from my cousin. She wanted to know secrets about Disney. I don't know how why she asked me this or knew Disney may have secrets, but I didn't want to lie to her and tell her there were none, so I told her:

"I'm very surprised to hear you want to know about this. So here's what I'm going to tell you. There are, indeed, I've seen youtube videos to find examples of it and I've seen it just watching Disney. So I'm sorry to tell you that there's something I want you to youtube search right now, but only if you are brave enough and have the courage to. I don't want you to see something you don't want to see, and you may be shocked at what I'm telling you to search, but youtube search "Disney Mind Control". I'm sorry, but it's [mostly!] true!"

I don't know if she did it or not, but I hope she did. I mean, the magic of Disney just got more magical. I'm also researching something right now. I saw something on a commercial and I'm trying to decide if it's illuminati or just neutral. I hope not.

I only watch cartoons with simple graphics nowadays. I know cartoons and movies often hide it, but if the graphics aren't complex enough, it's harder to hide it so they don't. But shows with more complex graphics *Cough*GRAVITYFALLS*Cough* are more likely. I know I've probably thoroughly confused you, so let me explain what I meant by that. Have you seen the show Cailou? It's a little kids show. It has very simple graphics. But have you seen Gravity Falls? The graphics are more complex on it. The characters are harder to draw, and it's easier to hide things in it. Like illuminati. It's so crazy! But do you understand it now?

Can somebody give a few examples of music videos with illuminati? I want to know more information all the time!

Like I said, I could go on for hours. Instead, I went on for hour.
Can somebody give a few examples of music videos with illuminati? I want to know more information all the time!
Hm, well, I'd say the music video for Dark Horse by Katy Perry has some blantantly obvious Illuminati imagery. I actually quite like the song, but saying "OMG ILLUMINATI REFERENCES" maeks me sound like such a sheep.
Never forget, guys. Never.

There are some secret societies, but claiming that they are controlling the entire world is basically showing off how little you understand about global politics and economics. They would literally have to be able to control what their "enemies" do, and you'd have to have millions of people in on it. Not much of a secret society if you've got so many people knowingly working in it.

But again, secret societies do exist. It just happens to be that even though they are secret, we know a lot about them. Freemasons, Skull & Bones, Bohemian Grove, etc. We know a great deal about them and their rituals, so referring to them as secret is really a misnomer as well.

If anything, people that believe the Illuminati are real rank with the people that say 9/11 was an inside job, the moon landing was faked and the Holocaust didn't happen.
That's from the Disney show Gravity Falls as shown in the image link, and most of it is fictional (like the 10 symbols in the ring symbolizing the characters).

her sarcasm seems to have gone over your head, dear :p
If anything, people that believe the Illuminati are real rank with the people that say 9/11 was an inside job, the moon landing was faked and the Holocaust didn't happen.

1) What who thinks the Holocaust didn't happen
2) That's insulting to people that have done real research and found it to be real.
3) There are WAY more people that believe the illuminati is real than there are moon landing non-believers.
4) Where would you get that idea? I mean, that we're the same rank? Knowing that people think of us this way is a more disturbing thought than the fact we're all being mind-controlled.
For those wondering, the reason the flag on the Moon swayed, was because It's held up to look like it's flying in the breeze by a rod across the top. Any motion of the flag is the result of the motion of the astronauts planting it. That motion continues longer in a vacuum than it does in an atmosphere.