TBT trends that you're glad are dead

It's dying a bit, which is good, but I still see users throwing it around incorrectly.
I was thinking the same thing, and oh boy, I hope so.

Where does the word salty originate from actually? I've seen people using that word around on other social media platforms to describe someone being sour over something so I guess people picked up from that? But what's the origin? I've always been curious. Just like 'sipping/sips tea'.
I don't mind the small font sizes too much, but the pastel colors got a bit cumbersome after a while of reading through posts with them.
I've been away from the forum for a while, glad to see plenty of people have mentioned the whole pastel/tiny font trend. Also the bob religion stuff was a bit tedious after a while, I assume that has gone away too o__o
I've been away from the forum for a while, glad to see plenty of people have mentioned the whole pastel/tiny font trend. Also the bob religion stuff was a bit tedious after a while, I assume that has gone away too o__o

the group is still there i think but yeah those threads were anoying
I hated the marrying. Blech. Caused some drama I'd rather not go into. Mostly cuz I was a tiny bit involved in that drama.
Might just be me but I feel like the number of users/posts using a different font/size/colour as basically their primary text has gone down a lot in the past year. There was a time where waaay too many folks were writing with their tiny pink text or whatnot.
You should, uh, get rid of that. Make all font comic sans size 14.
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so like two users ((ex. sparro and pocky)) decided they were gonna get married! so they made a thread in the basement, and had users that were their groomsmen and bridesmaids and stuff, literally roleplayed a wedding and then put 'married to sparro since xx-xx-xxxx' in their sig. overall it was the most cringest thing ever thank god it died out around about the time i got here.

stuff like this just makes me glad I basically never touch the basement
Using the word "salty" in any sense that doesn't involve gaming, calling people koreeaboos for liking kpop (same goes for weaboo for liking anime), sucking up or talking about mods in the most annoying way (ie "OOOH LOOOOK A MOOOOOOOOODDD, WHAT ARE YUUU DUIN HERE??!!"), "m9", and not reading someone's post correctly or putting words into their mouth. I sound like a big ****** complaining about this stuff, but it's just small things that annoy me.
Sounds like you need use of my Avatar!

who cares, theres never a shortage of new dumpster trends

It's so true. Probably why Justin has more posts on Neogaf