Stitches vs. Lucky - Villager Bracket October 2018 - Semifinals Match 14

Which villager is better?

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Honestly I think Stitches would look better as a collectable. I'd buy him. He's also a dreamy for Moriyo, and I love stuffed animals.
I get that Lucky has more of a Halloween theme to him, but I can't get over how cute Stitches is! He gets my vote for sure!
i seriously have to choose wow
they're both representations of my conflicting aesthetics
went for lucky though !
Stitches reminds me of my stuffed animals that gave me comfort from the monsters when I was a kid. When I see him in my adulthood, he reminds me to stay calm. I never understood why people like him but now I do.

Lucky is a great villager too, but seeing animals in pain or hurt seriously upsets me to the point where 12yo me playing WW cried when I saw him for the first time, so I've never been able to have him in my town. Stitches may lose, but the only ones who truly lose are those who find it necessary to bash a fictional character based on an internet poll :')
Aww, it's a shame my bb Stitches is losing. He's so precious!!

I would buy an entire line-up of him.
You win if you have K.K. Dirge playing in your house.
personally prefer stitches, but i do think lucky fits halloween much better. still voted for stitches tho :^)
i think stitches would make a better collectible but im fine with that lucky is winning cus hes cute too
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