Selling ✧SH/SW items and Shiny Pokemon✧ NEW: SHINY GMAX EEVEE / PIKACHU

I?m interested in 2 Masterballs (I?ll be available sometime this weekend). 100tbt each so that?s 200 total? It this ok?
I’m interested in 2 Masterballs (I’ll be available sometime this weekend). 100tbt each so that’s 200 total? It this ok?

Hi, yup that's right! Also I'm available to trade now if you are :3 Or we can trade on the weekend, just let me know ~
Hi, yup that's right! Also I'm available to trade now if you are :3 Or we can trade on the weekend, just let me know ~

Sorry it?s been a bit of a busy week. I should be on tomorrow off and on throughout the day/evening so I should hopefully be able to catch you then. :)
Sorry it’s been a bit of a busy week. I should be on tomorrow off and on throughout the day/evening so I should hopefully be able to catch you then. :)

That's fine and totally understandable! I'll be available to trade before work tomorrow (3pm EST) :) Hopefully we can catch each other~

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If not then I can hold them until you are available again c: