Seasons in HHD


Nov 25, 2013
Pumpkin Pie
Tasty Cake
Kirby Easter Egg
Do the seasons change in HHD? It would be a shame if they didnt (Not talking about the map, I'm talking about the little city place where you start out in)
Do the seasons change in HHD? It would be a shame if they didnt (Not talking about the map, I'm talking about the little city place where you start out in)

as far as we know, they don't. It's always summer and its just daylight before you do a house, and night time after you finish a house. But I would ask these types of questions in the FAQ thread to avoid filling the forum with lots of questions. :)
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Yeah, there's no seasons in New Town. Always the same.
But each plot of land to design on has 4 options, one for each season, so you get to see them atleast?
No seasons/no real-time, sorry!

When you're picking where to put someone's house, you can manually set that plot of land to any season and it will always be that season at their house.
I'll need to make Jingle's house a christmas party and Jack's house a halloween party then, if I want to continue the seasonal events tradition in this spinoff!
Actually the seasons in the town do change depending on your 3ds's date. So if it's set as February in your 3ds then there will be snow in New Town and so on. I discovered this after seeing a video where the persons town had snow and I took a guess and changed the date. Sure enough the seasons changed in New Town!
Actually the seasons in the town do change depending on your 3ds's date. So if it's set as February in your 3ds then there will be snow in New Town and so on. I discovered this after seeing a video where the persons town had snow and I took a guess and changed the date. Sure enough the seasons changed in New Town!

Preslie, that's really interesting! I guess not many have mucked around with their 3DS dates and since the game has only been out for a couple of months, not many have noticed that yet! Would it be possible for you to take a screenshot of that? It'd be very cool/helpful for folks to see! (If not, no worries!)
I've seen someone's LP of HHD and they were standing in front of the school at night and it was snowing. Sorry, don't remember who's LP it was.
That's actually great news! I'm surprised more people didn't try changing the date, but I suppose there isn't much reason to with the games style.

Excited to see new town with snow. I wonder if spring has cherry petals?
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Sure but I don't know how to post screenshots yet as I just joined. I tried to post the link to the video I first saw the seasons change in but it won't let me yet.
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Sure but I don't know how to post screenshots yet as I just joined. I tried to post the link to the video I first saw the seasons change in but it won't let me yet.

Aha! That's right. When you first join, you're prevented from posting links, etc. for the first little bit. That confounded me for a few days! What's the name of the stream or channel? We can always do the old-fashioned search-for-ourselves thing in the meantime.

Not sure if this is going to work but here is a picture of my town.
Oh look at the snow and bamboo! Thanks for sharing Preslie :) Would love to see more screenshots of your town :D
Not sure if this is going to work but here is a picture of my town.

It worked, and lookit' that!! That's awesome! Thanks so much for sharing this with us. This game just keeps getting better and better.

p.s. I just updated the FAQ thread to include this info, including a thanks to Preslie.
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Oh wow, guess I was wrong there then! I thought seeing as it looks the same in Sept as it did in July and August that it didn't change.
You're very welcome. :) I actually never post on forums because I'm very shy but wanted to share this when I saw someone ask. I found it to be a very awesome part of the game.

My town is very under develop otherwise I'd share more screenshots. I am not playing very much because I speak no Japanese whatsoever and want to do the majority of the game in English. Which has been very hard to do because I just adore this game. :)

Its letting me post links now so here is the link to the video:
Thanks for posting the Polygon link, I'll be sure to watch it right after this!
I'm usually a quiet lurker on forums, but after a few days of hanging around the community seemed too nice not to be a part of!
I hope to see you around more, especially since we both joined on the same day :D Can't wait to see our towns~