Russian items?


Local Eurovision Fan DA-3870-3754-4899
May 6, 2016
Matryoshka Doll
To be perfectly honest I've been wanting to create a Russia inspired room since this game was released. I figured I'd take it slow and just collect items as I came across them... Well, since launch I've collected exactly three: Comrade K.K., K.K. Steppe (That album cover is so cute oh my gosh Fang in that outfit! <3) and a matryoshka...

Am I missing something? Or is this it and am I just really going to have to get creative with custom patterns? Where do I start?

So if you were wondering why there are so many oriental rooms this is why lol. It's not that we have no other ideas just that we have no other items.
sadly, animal crossing is pretty limited when it comes to items.
Yes indeed, it's a real shame.
Also, all those new food items and no borscht. :( I love that stuff darn it!
I also love ramen though so I can't complain. I made it look like my mayor lives in a little apartment off instant ramen and coffee lol.
You could use the snowman matryoshka. and there are a lot of snow items you can get from snowmen or campers. Plus you could always use custom patterns and use the alpine series. it's not much, but it's a little.
You could use the snowman matryoshka. and there are a lot of snow items you can get from snowmen or campers. Plus you could always use custom patterns and use the alpine series. it's not much, but it's a little.
Thanks, that's helpful!
I also found this thread hahaha:!
Random but Fang's name is 'Siberia' + he's on the album cover like I said and Freya is 'Tundra' with a Norwegian catchphrase and now all I can think of is the two of them at the Norwegian-Russian border awww. <3
Yeah, NL is very limited when it comes to this kind of things. It might be a bit challenging but I'm sure you can make that room! I think some good decorative items would be the tapestry, wooden bear (since bear's the national animal of Russia), pancakes (you could pretend they're blini) and decorative plate.

Custom designs are a great idea too! They'd make the theme a lot more obvious. A flag would be great and if you don't mind religious things, some orthodox art would fit in well too. Maybe you could make and display a national outfit! If you haven't tried making designs before, maybe you can find tutorials online or ask someone here at TBT to make them for you. It's really not that difficult! Good luck.
Yeah, NL is very limited when it comes to this kind of things. It might be a bit challenging but I'm sure you can make that room! I think some good decorative items would be the tapestry, wooden bear (since bear's the national animal of Russia), pancakes (you could pretend they're blini) and decorative plate.

Custom designs are a great idea too! They'd make the theme a lot more obvious. A flag would be great and if you don't mind religious things, some orthodox art would fit in well too. Maybe you could make and display a national outfit! If you haven't tried making designs before, maybe you can find tutorials online or ask someone here at TBT to make them for you. It's really not that difficult! Good luck.

This is GREAT advice thank you so much!


Yeah,not too many Russian items in the game.There's the puffy hat which looks like a Russian ushanka hat and the matryoshka which is one of the Gulliver items.
Is the hat just called the "Puffy hat"?

Yup.Actually,it looks more like a cossack hat than a ushanka.Ushanka's have earflaps.

For what it's worth,Connor's question was only about the name of the puffy hat and not a direct response to the original post so the age of the thread isn't all that important.