Room facility ideas?


Fumichō 富美蝶
Mar 29, 2015
So, I decided to finally do something with my museum exhibits. I want to make each one a useful facility. I have three ideas, but I cannot for the life of me come up with a fourth >~<
These are the ideas I already have:
1st room: Leisure centre
2nd room:Doctors office
3rd room: Boutique
4th room: ??????

Also, these are the facilities I already have in character houses in my town:
- School
- Cutesy cafe
-Grocery store
-Japanese restaurant

Has anyone got any ideas?
A bar! After playing HHD I realized how much fun it is to make little bars. You can have the medicine rack behind the bar to simulate booze bottles, have some stools around the bar and a few booths, and a few standing tables. Maybe even a little corner stage for a band to play in.

Another cute idea would be like a laundromat or something like it, a bunch of washers, a few clotheslines, an maybe a vending machine or two.

And then one that there is already a lot of furniture for is a Hospital, I know they're pretty popular to make, you can even use a mannequin or two to dress in the nurses and doctors outfits!
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Currently I am working on a botanical exhibit, a museumy restaurant (not fancy - more like a place to catch a quick meal), and a room for around the world souvenirs (and Pascal's ship stuff will go in here also). I don't have an idea for a fourth yet either. In the past I really liked the mini dinosaur exhibit I had with a darkened room, a cricket squirreled away in the back for atmosphere and a few benches to enjoy your trip back in time.
Pet shop.
candy or toy store.
Icecream parlor.
Movie theatre.
Dentist office.
Hair salon ( Harriet won't mind the compition ).
Arcade or casino.
Bowling alley.
Chuckie Cheese. ( I always thought this one would be fun to make).
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Oh, thank you everyone! Hmm, the idea of a mini indoor botanical garden crossed my mind. A pet shop would be quite cute to make, as would a candy store. I'm thinking of a candy store, but I wonder how I would go about doing that ^^ As for icecream parlor, the cutesy cafe already doubles as one, and there will be a mini bowling alley in the leisure centre. Thank you everyone for all your ideas! ^u^