Resetting aka Anyone miss the old days starting a town and not purposely readjusting


Senior Member
Jul 22, 2014
November Birthstone (Topaz)
September Birthstone (Sapphire)
August Birthstone (Peridot)
April Birthstone (Diamond)
Spring Shamrock
Kapp'n Christmas Doll
Tasty Cake
January Birthstone (Garnet)
Ok, so I have been thinking about my original town made last year around Sept or so before I knew anything about resetting for villagers and dream seeking and the camp reset, it was all just a wonderful surprise and fresh. I always left that town as was until got a last copy for final dreams I wanted and moved some original originals like Lionel ect out to move in ones I had lost from other towns.

I find it doesn't feel the same, yeah I had let some go before found someone in camp but most were original if not all until I tt cycled out and adopted there now yes has dreams but when I went there after long hiatus they didn't feel like mine except the originals ones I got on my own with work no guide camp cycled once learned and it was feels off. So now I have a town there with some adoptees I lost in my second attempt town they sing a lot of old tunes talk a lot of old towns I miss the completed old town before the adoptees came in. I missed the original town before I tampered plus had a person over stole a yrs worth of hybrids and such.

Yes I was gifted a cart for my final dreams, I made a list, it kept changing bc there were a few birds so I thought kick out all non birds make it bird town aside from Papi on dream list who plan to take but stitches and all the others lolly even ones had before Winnie are growing on me or have..I adopted one took one in from camp but once picked a theme it was not my original dream list. So I am thinking yes I have worked hard on it it is well built up for a week and a half of in game time and if I wipe it out there may be people there lolly, stitches original I knew wasn't keeping him others want...and I love the set up but am ready to maybe wipe it clean and take my start over chances and evolve it to original last dreams the list I started with before bird themed it... So I may wipe it start over or change the plan make a list of real final dreams if someone can hold Flora was a hard catch as wanted the original list, maybe even move in those from my starter town who were adopted so they are...fresh original to this town and let others fall in place there. Adopting ect I don't mind or originality really something is just feeling off. I would hate to wipe someone's dreams or whole town maybe I can undo it just by reworking the list and outing the non dreams as planned kind of a long temp cycle. But I feel tempted to wipe it...or reset the town basically. I don't have much except money put into house some upgrades will come back, maybe a few villagers will reseet definitely Pheobe. I just feel nothing wrong with adopting or house resetting or any of that it's something about this town. I should have kept to original last wishes list and maybe still can if out all. I hate my fruit, would adjust my map or not it's pretty good, has anyone ever had a town just feel unconnected. I feel I need to clean start get who I originally dreamed for before themed it birds...may be able to do this with outing many but I just feel not connected to it. Just this town, I could just redo final list make sure it is the few I really wanted get them in as is or wipe it because it sounds strange it just feels wrong never happened before. I started it knowing was going to out whoever was there for dreams but then I thought lot of birds make it all birds...I picked dream birds instead of overall dream list. Maybe that's what's wrong go back to the original ten. Yes town I managed with bugs to reach 1 poor but could sell TBT if anyone wanted it so started on an ok foot.

If you read through this, thanks, I feel unconnected to this town and feel go back to original list and go with heart get those last loves Olivia, Freya, ect don't worry on types and themes make it my dream again. Has anyone just felt this is not right and started over losing all little money and time to try to get it right again. Is still fairly new...And if I do should I out my populars first to people who want them or just adjust the villagers around basically keeping town but gutting the villagers out that don't feel right. Or hit reset, no items really, lots of medals but easy it's only Flora and the money I would miss...Anyone just feel ok want to start fresh maybe no list see what it comes of yes get dreams that really want but if you did, did you reset...or just change villagers it feels wrong somehow am early enough to reset it all and go to original plan for this town, anyone start a town change original plan for it not like it and reset because it felt wrong. Yes IGB and new towns don't have much to buy a song but not sure if people buy TBT that may help bc all towns are poor and I only use TBT for dream villagers I need, if someone could hold Flora... Have you ever reset completely and been happier after, I never have.

Anyone just felt unconnected or all animals mostly but one need replaced and you just reset...
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Yep, sorta missed those days.

Especially if you're extremely new to the series in general.
Well I was a long time CF player until down with mic chat live and online but don't know if town feels wrong weed out fix villagers or just restart randomly or as am leaning now...just go back to non bird original wish list and start outing and getting in those final dreams...Then next task after fun just play time make some money next task..cycle town...later though Need time to enjoy having completed dream quest. Is a pain as many must be given to get the new in but I think I have my list and can fix it without a full on restart.
Well I was a long time CF player until down with mic chat live and online but don't know if town feels wrong weed out fix villagers or just restart randomly or as am leaning now...just go back to non bird original wish list and start outing and getting in those final dreams...Then next task after fun just play time make some money next task..cycle town...later though Need time to enjoy having completed dream quest. Is a pain as many must be given to get the new in but I think I have my list and can fix it without a full on restart.

Interesting, I got into City Folk like around the wrong time.
Like a month before New Leaf came out, and that was hilarious.

I barley talked to my villagers and I was focusing on getting my mortgage payed off.
Which I still didn't do to this day.
Going back to your original list sounds like a good idea. Theme towns are neat, but I don't think you can force yourself to make one. It's just one of those things you have to really want, otherwise it'll just be a lot of work and not terribly fun.
Thank you, Tehya yes it was feeling like work and as they weren't original dream but altered bird dreams I think is why I feel detached I don't love my villagers and that makes the game so am not going to reset and lose all my 800,000 IGB lol or three house upgrades and just got LOL but am going to go back to that original list kick off who wasn't on it and have a town I love even if it means giving up a just acquired camper on start day, lol. But I still have the original and it went wonky trying to get all one type even if they weren't dreams just best of that type...unless had a second ds and moved all my wolves together or sheep myself not doing that again. Fixing sig to original list, then won't need to change anything until get 2nd ds after Xmas.