Proudest Badge?


Mayor of Jerico
Jul 28, 2013
Pear (Fruit)
3 Envelopes
Small Mailbox
What badge are you most proud to have received?

Today I got the gold Postmaster badge for sending so many letters. The bronze letter badge was my first. Both made me super happy.

What's yours?
The golden HHA badge I got a few days ago. My score is 150,000+. I am SO excited! <3
I don't have any gold badges yet, so I guess the silver bug catcher one. I don't really do that much beetle hunting, so finally getting the 2.000 bugs for the silver one was really awesome.
I got the gold letter writing badge but the one I'm most proud of at the moment is the Good Samaritan badge,feels like it's taken me ages to get it >_<
I would say the gold turnip badge would be my proudiest, I have others so it's hard to choose.
i just got the silver insect encyclopedia badge today,but i thing is the hardest 1 too get is the expert saver (gold)
I have three silver ones, the one for gardening, the one for the bug encyclopedia and the one for diving. I'm close to getting the village leader one. I'm aiming for the host and visitor ones. I'm actually quite proud of not owning a badges for shooting down so many balloons, I hate the balloon set, so why bother?
I'mm most proud of the Master Turnip Trader (gold) badge. It took a lot of time/closet space to get. Right now my goal is to get to 100,000,000 bells legitimately.
I'm proud of the doing favors one because I never go out and do favors purposely, just for the badge. :eek: