Post something good that happened to you today.

i'm having roast beef and mashed potatoes with some broccoli on the side!! B))
my nails are so cute ;v;; ugh, i love my co workers at the nail salon. this is probably the best thing that's happened to me within the past year or so, it's been awhile since i've really connected with someone who's doesn't live on the other side of the country
Got someone to cover my shift, so I'll be heading to Medieval Times tomorrow. I'm hyyyyyyyyped! I've never been, and I'm looking forward to it. Also, the whole family is going to be there and it's rare when we all get together like this. :')
@ Jav: nice! i recommend you memorize this standard medieval phrase:


i havent been able to find Lay's habanero chips, but i did find another bag of Ruffles canadian all-dressed chips...
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I don't think I accomplished much today //lol sad life// I did nothing but the only good thing I could say is good that happened to me was I had potato salad for lunch <3333 my favourite
Found a complete copy of Harvest Moon: BtN for the PS1 on kijiji and went to pick it up today. Took forever to find one so I'm quite happy, probably my favourite childhood game. :blush:

And I have the day off work, so not waking up at 6am is always a treat.
one of my posts on tumblr has gone viral! well, popular at least. it's had like 15,000 notes today

and yeah i know that's quite a lame thing to be happy about, but i've had a really boring day of studying