Possibilities for ore?


Crazy cat dad
Nov 11, 2014
A few weeks ago I put up a thread wondering why Cyrus doesn't make anything original with silver nuggets like he does with gold. Now I'm wondering why there can't be unique creations with the other 4 ore types as well. I'm curious to hear the thoughts of everyone else: what's something you'd like to see made with ore that could be considered a Cyrus original? Doesn't have to be a set or furniture series, just something the developers haven't released even with the WA update.
It would be cool to have a silver furniture set! Maybe rather than the ancient Mespotamian-ish style the gold set has, it could have a medieval European castle style?

For the gemstones, I don't think they should have a full set, but it would be cool if you could take two or three of one type and turn them into a cut and polished gem for display!