• Thanks for playing! The closing ceremony for TBT World Championship 2024 has been posted. Congratulations to the winning team, Squirtle Squad! Update: The Master Ball raffle winners have now been announced and rewards have been distributed. Time to spend your Arcade Tokens!

Place your random thoughts.

tbh, i never been into korean boy bands but ... i really like some of the songs some of them pump out. also they look sorta cool! especially if they have light hair or whatever — i like them moreso for the aesthetics than the actual boys themselves.

Ready or extraction. Hokkaido wind eye. Super sentient synthesis. Strategic stealth system. Exponential life force expansion arena. Shining steel mountain machine. Intrinsic ecstasy activation. Power prism. Advanced life energy cultivation system. Fantasy focus. Strategic star system integration mode. Tear apart. New day. Hype elaboration. Breakthrough.

All wood everything. Decipher dark by fading light.

Surfing those high waves, you bring forth to me. Slick body soaring through the life giver. Sacred celebration whilst serenaded by your energy. Lift me high so that I plunge deeper.

But you aren?t designed for that.

All the way, the only way. Raging forth you?ve yet to stop. Way of activation holds steady in place. Now I am now hear now. The great escape violent shifts, burning rift through all.. Push and turn the key unlock unlimited within. Stop to drop. Slip into sensation step through the door only there is no floor.

Without a word, she spoke.

Where you are is what I need. Requiring endlessly. If you know me, show me. Let us advance together as the levels collapse. All is what, give it up. Lost in the spiral of circumstance provide me an exit knowing full this is my intention to escape. What has does it thus far is no thing given everything. Leaving it all to fall in alignment with untapped essence. Alive in five but there?s more behind the door.

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For once my luck has turned around ahahahahaha! :cool:
can someone help me I need an excuse as to why I can't go to football game tomorrow

so far my best is I have to stay for a family party
Why do i always get turned down is it something I did we've been friends for a long time doesn't she feel the same way as I do, we enjoy each other's company why does she act like she feels the same way but won't admit it does she really like me, is it all in my head am i suppose to be alone in this world, I've been alone for a few years and she is the one I love but I feel as if it is just all in my head. Does the heart ever tell the truth to as what you are feeling. :(
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omg I just watched the 5 episodes of Yuri on Ice in one sitting, and ITS SOO GOOD
i need more

I'm going to community college this next year AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH
Why do I always feel like I'm going insane! @.@