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Paranormal experiences thread

where's oath? i'm sure he'll enjoy this thread

anyways my mom has been interested in paranormal stuff for a long time. she works at retirement homes, and that's where a lot of people have passed away of course, so she has seen some things. doors slamming in the middle of the night (she works night shift), strange lights, voices, etc. she's felt tapping on her shoulder, and someone even whispering in her ear. but no one is ever there when she looks. the current retirement home she works in has an 5 floors, but only 4 are used. the 5th floor is abandoned, rumors say it's because it has so much activity.

i used to work part-time at a different retirement home and i saw some things as well. lights flipping on, wheelchairs moving on their own, silent hill sh**, etc. one time i was carrying a load of towels into the laundry room and the door slammed in face. it wouldn't open. i had to call the manager to unlock it because i thought someone was pranking me. when he came, the door opened fine. it wasn't even locked. there was no one in there.

the current house i'm living in... idk it's weird. my parents and my brother have both claimed to have seen a little girl in a brown dress, but i haven't seen her. my mom said she saw her walk through the living room in broad daylight, my dad saw her running around in the backyard, and my brother claims to have seen her peek from around doorways and the hallway corner. when i was little, i used to hear footsteps walking down the hallway and stop at my door (i thought it was my mom coming to check on me) but when i looked, nothing was ever there. when i was in junior high, i was alone at home and i walked into the kitchen and the microwave was on. like. on. the tray was spinning and the light was on. but the microwave door was wide open. it was creepy as hell. the only recent activity has been ceiling fans and lights turning on by themselves. it's usually ceiling fans.

ohh yeah one time i was at a sleepover at my friend's house (he lives in an old house) and the four of us were in the living room, which has a huge window that overlooks the entire yard and street. suddenly we thought we say something behind the fence that darted from the trash can? idk we saw something. but suddenly, while we were looking, we heard a loud thud followed by three or four picture frames that fell from the wall and broke. we were so startled we woke my mom's friend and she told us to not worry about it and go to bed. and that we did.
where's oath? i'm sure he'll enjoy this thread

anyways my mom has been interested in paranormal stuff for a long time. she works at retirement homes, and that's where a lot of people have passed away of course, so she has seen some things. doors slamming in the middle of the night (she works night shift), strange lights, voices, etc. she's felt tapping on her shoulder, and someone even whispering in her ear. but no one is ever there when she looks. the current retirement home she works in has an 5 floors, but only 4 are used. the 5th floor is abandoned, rumors say it's because it has so much activity.

i used to work part-time at a different retirement home and i saw some things as well. lights flipping on, wheelchairs moving on their own, silent hill sh**, etc. one time i was carrying a load of towels into the laundry room and the door slammed in face. it wouldn't open. i had to call the manager to unlock it because i thought someone was pranking me. when he came, the door opened fine. it wasn't even locked. there was no one in there.

the current house i'm living in... idk it's weird. my parents and my brother have both claimed to have seen a little girl in a brown dress, but i haven't seen her. my mom said she saw her walk through the living room in broad daylight, my dad saw her running around in the backyard, and my brother claims to have seen her peek from around doorways and the hallway corner. when i was little, i used to hear footsteps walking down the hallway and stop at my door (i thought it was my mom coming to check on me) but when i looked, nothing was ever there. when i was in junior high, i was alone at home and i walked into the kitchen and the microwave was on. like. on. the tray was spinning and the light was on. but the microwave door was wide open. it was creepy as hell. the only recent activity has been ceiling fans and lights turning on by themselves. it's usually ceiling fans.

ohh yeah one time i was at a sleepover at my friend's house (he lives in an old house) and the four of us were in the living room, which has a huge window that overlooks the entire yard and street. suddenly we thought we say something behind the fence that darted from the trash can? idk we saw something. but suddenly, while we were looking, we heard a loud thud followed by three or four picture frames that fell from the wall and broke. we were so startled we woke my mom's friend and she told us to not worry about it and go to bed. and that we did.


I shouldn't click on this thread when i'm home alone :c
The next night, I woke up in the middle of it and noticed my door was open (my parents open our doors during the night) and I noticed a girl standing against the wall just out of my sisters room. She was looking down, and the thing was she looked just like my sister.

I had a similar experience to this when I was 8. I woke up thirsty one night, so I decide to go get some water on the fridge. When I got out of my room, I was shocked to see mymy older sister going down the stairs. You know why? Because when I turned back to my room, her body was still sleeping there (we slept on the same room). I got goosebumps. When I looked back to the direction of the stairs. She's gone.

I was 8 but I think it went something like that :lemon:
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I don't get creep out. But I delayed my work for spending time reading all the interesting stories here =x I should really get back to work now xD

- - - Post Merge - - -

Something to share~

''After discussing many of the haunted hotels, if you happen to live in a haunted hotel and there are no other ways to avoid it, then you must try these 10 methods suggested* by the master of excorcist (They used 'supplied' in Chinese).

10 Ways To Avoid Ghosts In Hotels:

01. Before entering a room whether it's empty or not, you should either knock or ring the bell first.

This basically means 'excuse me for interrupting', and if you are able to speak the local language, it would be great to say it literally.

02. The first time you enter the door of the hotel room, its best to walk in side way.

The meaning behind this is that if there are any ghosts in the room, (in the text they use 'dirty thing', in Cantonese it means something unclean, slang word for ghosts) you are allowing them to leave the room so you as the customer can then accomodate the room thereafter. (I think this is like giving them the space to walk out as you enter the room.)

03. Prepare a pair of flip flops/sandals, placing them at the door with one at normal position facing straight and one opposite.

Apparently, if you do this, the ghost that enters from outside would follow the flip flop/sandal and leave.
(Not really sure how this one works @_@ maybe the direction of the sandals would lead them back out)

04. Place a small bottle of salt and a glass of water at the front of the bed (on the desk perhaps), this works like a charm to prevent ghosts.

05. It is best to flush the toilet one time before use, this would flush away all the unpurified things that was left behind.

06. Do not mess with the Bible! Especially if it's been left opened on certain page, do not close it!
(I heard this one from my brother before, apparently many hotels put Bibles in their rooms, and the pages are left open and shouldn't be touched. Perhaps the certain page contains the chant/prayer to keep 'them' away.)

07. Try to avoid wearing black and red clothings. On the other hand, wearing yellow clothings would prevent ghosts.

08. When sleeping at night, you must shut the toilet door and try not to switch on the lights in the toilet too often.

09. Don't face the mirrors when you sleep, as mirror attracts the negative (aka negative spirits -> ghosts).

10. When sleeping at night, it's best to leave your shoes and flip flop/sandals disarrange eg. one facing straight, the other opposite and do not make them neat. At the same time, do not allow the shoes to face/point to the bed. Best to kick them off randomly

Article not from me, get from some website
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I wouldn't say Paranormal, but I tried lucid dreaming once and I ended up in sleep paralysis for a good 5 minutes and it felt as if a phantasm was holding my body down preventing me from getting up. Pretty scary stuff.
I wouldn't say Paranormal, but I tried lucid dreaming once and I ended up in sleep paralysis for a good 5 minutes and it felt as if a phantasm was holding my body down preventing me from getting up. Pretty scary stuff.

lucid dream? how do you do that may I ask? o:
here is my spooky story some people dont believe it but its really true and real it is , one day i was Walking back from School and i was wearing my backpack and but as i was walking back from school i saw that the door was open on my way back From ,School. It was a weary winter morning and as i came back from school with my backpack "i went inside the house to find" in my horror that there was dog food in the cat bowl and i swear that i didnt put it there so i went to look around the house and there was NOONE AT ALL anywhere except for my mum my brother my two sisters and my aunt and as i put. My backpack back in my room i saw a pile of mangled dead bodies sprawled across my bed
here is my spooky story some people dont believe it but its really true and real it is , one day i was Walking back from School and i was wearing my backpack and but as i was walking back from school i saw that the door was open on my way back From ,School. It was a weary winter morning and as i came back from school with my backpack "i went inside the house to find" in my horror that there was dog food in the cat bowl and i swear that i didnt put it there so i went to look around the house and there was NOONE AT ALL anywhere except for my mum my brother my two sisters and my aunt and as i put. My backpack back in my room i saw a pile of mangled dead bodies sprawled across my bed

wait.. what .-.
Sure lookyhooky :]

and what kind of dead bodies? Human? :eek:

The way I remember is that my uncle was walking outside at night near a Mcdonald's, and then there was the plastic clown glued to the bench outside the Mcdonald's, except that the clown wasn't there on the bench and my uncle saw it walking down the street.

Lame, I know, but it's the only one I know of :/
I have a story.....

So I was spending the night at my friends house and they had a mattress in the basement. His older brother was at his grandmas and hid dad was upstairs sleeping. (By the way we were 8) So we couldn't sleep and right when we were about to fall asleep my friend shrieked in pain! I looked over and wondered what happened. He whispered to me hurry close your eyes! So we did and fell asleep. When we woke up his leg was bleeding like a claw mark! We were so scared that whenever I spend the night we bring a baseball bat. Even if it's at his own apartment XD
I had one when a friend of mine came over. We were sitting on my loft bed, in the dark, messing around on her phone. Then she told me that there was these white lights floating around my head. She recorded it on her phone with the normal camra app and showed it to me. Yup, they were there. She could see them. The cam could see them. But I couldn't.
Everything in our house always breaks. Toasters, kettles, televisions, doors, walls, computers, barbecues, fridges, dishwashers, clothes driers etc etc

Mum likes to think the place is haunted but I just blame it on dad buying cheap ****.
Everything in our house always breaks. Toasters, kettles, televisions, doors, walls, computers, barbecues, fridges, dishwashers, clothes driers etc etc

Mum likes to think the place is haunted but I just blame it on dad buying cheap ****.

There are no words to express how much I love this.
10/10 best story. ~ SPOOKY ~
Everything in our house always breaks. Toasters, kettles, televisions, doors, walls, computers, barbecues, fridges, dishwashers, clothes driers etc etc

Mum likes to think the place is haunted but I just blame it on dad buying cheap ****.

v spooky omg
Also yeah sometimes this holder we have in the kitchen falls down.. creep because it's good stuck to the wall..

And then I have pretty good hearing so I hear stuff all the time :/